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Type with your eyes closed


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O: Vampires exist and I'm the only one who knows the truth about it, while the shameful ones guess what they are like, when I KNOW.


C: Vampires evist an I', tje om;u ome wjp lmpws tje trit jabour it, while the shameful peole guess what the are like, when I LNOE.


Wow...I suck at typing with my eyes closed.


The Crimson One,


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O: Vampires exist and I'm the only one who knows the truth about it' date=' while the shameful ones guess what they are like, when I KNOW.


C: Vampires evist an I', tje om;u ome wjp lmpws tje trit jabour it, while the shameful peole guess what the are like, when I LNOE.


Wow...I suck at typing with my eyes closed.


The Crimson One,




O: You'll get better

C: You'll get better

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