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Super Smash Bros. Brawl Music: Need Suggestions


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^Yes Indeed' date=' Were going Somewhere!


For another Idea:






Well, let's not go overboard. At the moment, I'm trying to find video editing software, as WMM is no longer functioning for me. Not to mention I already have 4 other songs I need to get done.

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Hm... let's see...


from Phoenix Wright could be good.

and either the

or the
would also be awesome.


If it hasn't been mentioned,

from Chrono Trigger is also a contender. And while we're on Chrono Trigger, the fully Orchestrated Version of the Main Theme is also awesome.


Hmm... that should be enough for now. Apologies if someone else already requested one.

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@.:True Destiny:.: I don't like MIDI. Besides, it's not a problem if it has lyrics (as long as it don't sound stupid or nothing). Besides, I'm looking moreso for VG themes.

@Blazinghydra: The Pursuit-Cornered and Main Theme for Chrono Trigger (the former not so much as the latter) could work pretty well in Castle Siege.

@Swift: It doesn't have to be instrumental.

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