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Stall/Burn Deck

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Well, my cousin and I made a Stall/Burn deck. He's a very experienced Yugioh Player, and is one of the smartest people I know. He used to play Magic, and would win Tournaments in Yugioh and Magic all the time and he still does. So, after testing out how this deck does, this is the end result:


2x Des Koala

3x Solar Flare Dragon

2x Mask of Darkness

1x Spirit Reaper

2x A Cat of Ill Omen

2x Gyroid

1x Magician of Faith

1x Morphing Jar

1x Stealth Bird

1x Sangan


2x Ordeal of a Traveler

2x Ojama Trio

1x Mirror Force

1x Wall of Revealing Light

1x Transmigration Prophecy

2x Just Desserts

1x Gravity Bind

1x Torrential Tribute

1x Spell Shield Type-8

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Ceasefire


2x Lighting Vortex

1x Nightmare's Steelcage

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x Wave Motion Cannon

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Level Limit - Area B

1x Final Countdown

1x Giant Trunade


I'll explain some why each card is in:


Des Koala-

Good Burner, the Stall usually builds up cards in your opponent's hand.


Solar Flare Dragon-

Obvious good Burner. Have two of them out your opponent can't attack and they take 1000 each turn.


Mask of Darkness-

Fetches Traps I need that i probably already have used or it's been destroyed.


Spirit Reaper-

Good Stall, if field is open I can strike my opponent and make them discard.


A Cat of Ill Omen-

Fetches Gravity Bind, Mirror Force, Torrential Tribute, etc.



Good Stall. My opponent has to have atleast Two guys (Or a Double Striker) To take him down. My Stall cards probably won't let him get that far though.


Magician of Faith-

Fetches Spells that I used or have been previously destroyed.


Morphing Jar-

Helps me get rid of card I don't need, also helps Des Koala.


Stealth Bird-

Good Burner, 1000 is a lot for one flip.



It can get so much stuff in this deck.


Ordeal of a Traveler-

Tested it out, and it's pretty good stall. Only thing bad is that they find out what's in your hand.


Ojama Trio-

Good Stall, and good for Just Desserts. If I had Ground Collapse with this baby....


Mirror Force-

This card is just good.


Wall of Revealing Light-

Stops attacks. I would only go as high as 2000.


Transmigration Prophecy-

Helps me get back stuff, might screw you up if your trying to set something up in your graveyard.


Just Desserts-



Gravitiy Bind-

Awesome Stall. Level 3 and under I can handle.


Torrential Tribute-

Awesome card. Gets rid of stuff I don't want causing me trouble.


Spell Shield Type-8-

We all know of cards like Nobleman and MST. They can be a pest. This is the solution.


Magic Cylinder-

Small Stall/Burn.



Good card, even if your opponent doesn't have much effects on his field you atleast get to see what he's got.


Lightning Vortex-

Gets rid of Monsters.


Nightmare's Steelcage-



Mystical Space Typhoon-

Gets rid of Spell/Traps that could mess me up.


Wave Motion Cannon-



Swords of Revealing Light-

Classic Stall.


Level Limit-Area B-



Final Countdown-

Alternate way to win.


Giant Trunade-

Bounces back stuff that isn't doing me good, let's me play some stuff without worry.



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not bad at all' date=' u could try gravatic orb.

-ordeal of a travellerx2

+solemn judgementx2




Solemn Judgement? Don't have those. Besides, the cost of losing Half your life points is nuts. Especially with so much stuff requiring me to give up life points in the first place. Ordeal's are a better stall than Solemn for this deck. And Gravitic Orb doesn't really help me in a lot of situations.



Some Ballon Lizard would help in this deck because when you kill it' date=' your opponent will get burned more.



Yeah, but it has to be Face-up to use it's effect what with the Standby Phases. Besides, It takes to long to have any serious damage. Also, my opponent has to destroy it. If I have Gravity Bind out, he can't attack it. And he would have to have a tricky plan or be crazy to destroy it with a spell/trap when he could easily save it for something better.

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