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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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Nick' date=' stfu. You're acting like a n00b lol.

I said n00bs know what AVy means.


Gawd, I think I hate it here, Fuzzie, Nick, all treating me like s***.

I'm leaving.....until I feel bored.



When I was without good internet, you said that Nick was treating you badly. I can kinda see why now. Stop being stuck-up, insulting everyone, and being a complete kill joy, and these kinds of things wouldn't happen. Those parts of you are getting harder and harder to ignore nowadays.

my. point. exactly.

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You people need to stop flaming each other. It's annoying to watch, and I personally don't think it's worth my time to read a page and a half of flaming and arguements.


However, my real reason for posting this time is I'm looking for people who use Graphics tablets. I was thinking about getting one myself, and I wanted to get some feedback from some other people first.

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You people need to stop flaming each other. It's annoying to watch' date=' and I personally don't think it's worth my time to read a page and a half of flaming and arguements.


However, my real reason for posting this time is I'm looking for people who use Graphics tablets. I was thinking about getting one myself, and I wanted to get some feedback from some other people first.



oppps sorry......(i flamed today.......:()

but i have a tablet

a hanvon(small)

it also came with photshop elements(thats what i use :))

it's a good investment believe me

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not at all, it takes a little bit to get used to it, but then its amazing :D

its true, the bigger ones are better, but are not worth the unbelievable price.


btw, i hav a new drawing! :D

this was a request, it can be seen in wanderley's custom image archive

[spoiler=ToyBox] 316ki35.jpg


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Nick' date=' stfu. You're acting like a n00b lol.

I said n00bs know what AVy means.


Gawd, I think I hate it here, Fuzzie, Nick, all treating me like s***.

I'm leaving.....until I feel bored.


good riddance.

and no, i will not "stfu", you cant make me.

and yes, i do hate you.


Ouch. That was...kinda harsh...

ok it was cool until the whole chicken flavor being the best thing happened' date=' aster

i still think shrimp is the best ;)


I have an undieng urge to strangle u........


i lol'd when i saw this :D

i'd strangle you too buddy



...and in the end, that's what friends are for!

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YAY, I've been out for 1 and a half days (I think) due to... stuff (it is always that reason ;) )


I like the drawing, what were the instructions for that request?, if there werent any, I would have made some weird box or a Toon-like box >:{D

AWWW you drawing make me want to learn to draw at least in GIMP (hoping its the same).


Read is not that bad. To read is the cousious activity that I do the most :) (and computer is full of words)


Continuing the flaming. I didn't agree with it this time but I'm in NickLD's side. Xing makes efforts to be annoying on purpose (he's not always like that, just when he wants to) and says that he is happy with it but has an effect. Its twisted how he says "YAY PEOPLE HATE ME" and then he is bothered for the consequences. He got this on himself.

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YAY' date=' I've been out for 1 and a half days (I think) due to... stuff (it is always that reason ;) )


I like the drawing, what were the instructions for that request?, if there werent any, I would have made some weird box or a Toon-like box >:{D

AWWW you drawing make me want to learn to draw at least in GIMP (hoping its the same).


Read is not that bad. To read is the cousious activity that I do the most :) (and computer is full of words)


Continuing the flaming. I didn't agree with it this time but I'm in NickLD's side. Xing makes efforts to be annoying on purpose (he's not always like that, just when he wants to) and says that he is happy with it but has an effect. Its twisted how he says "YAY PEOPLE HATE ME" and then he is bothered for the consequences. He got this on himself.


agreed. ;)


also, the request was to make a re-drawing of a very old japenese card and to color it. it was terrible quality.

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Well' date=' Arceus is dead, Fog is dead, Fuzzie is camping, Rua is slowly dying. Oh, and, apparently I'm a ghost.



You forgot about Nikkiboy, Saikano, EocDragon & Gamekrazzy =/



Fog has a reason

Arceus is indeed dead

Fuzzie's absense is temporal

Rua, I don't know

EocDragon has a reason

Saikano's reason might be the same as Fog's reason

You..... oh! who said that comment^? D}:


everyone else named is active in the sense of "cannot post everyday but still a consistent part of this ;)"

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