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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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Almost Done with a Building Blok. Any Tips [Drawing was Here']


now what I think about it. Just out of curiousity, do you plan on your Blok monsters' strategy to be kind of like the way Morphtronics are but customised ? that would be fast enough to go against Charr and to overcome Chase this time xD

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They aren't rare. As long as they still have those tins >_>


I got Winged Kuriboh lv10 in a pack when I was 8' date=' then as a late gift I got 1 more pack from my uncle, and Trandsenant Wings and the original Winged Kuriboh were there.



destiny :)

now you just need The flute of the Summoning Kuriboh, Winged Kuriboh LV9, Kuriboh, Winged Kuriboh (alt art), Kuriboh (alt art), Multiply, and the future Kuriboh support (I'm rooting for Kuribrothers to appear :D )

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They aren't rare. As long as they still have those tins >_>


I got Winged Kuriboh lv10 in a pack when I was 8' date=' then as a late gift I got 1 more pack from my uncle, and Trandsenant Wings and the original Winged Kuriboh were there.



Yes, they're rare. Tins have the RAREST version of them in it. Gosh.


My DAD is doomed to my Red Dragon Archfiend case. Got it in it, I stored it in there when I didn't use it, put in a DARK Deck for about 1_1/2 months, now it's back in the tin..


I bought all of my friend's cards for $15. Over 500!!!

I got his Psychic Deck, and I modified it into a beatstick.

Got his Faries, and that deck rocks!

Got the rest, including some cards I traded him and I still like, like Victory Viper XX03 with 2 Power Capsules, 3 7 Completeds, and I found another Power Capsule. That's a freakin' beatstick monster!

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I may post link to a self drawn card set right?

Here is my link to the set :



I'm sure I did right' date=' but if I broke the rules please PM me to delete the post. Thank you.



Yes you can but you can only get accepted by our leader fuzzie but he hasn't been on in a while so idk.......

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@Xing: You're dad is doomed? Oh no! Why?


... or were you referring to Dark Armed Dragon... lol


Dad = Father


DAD = Dark Armed Dragon.

It's doomed to and RDA tin though.

I did get some use, but I use my Psychics, E-Heros, and Gravity Bind Deck. My GB decks ultimate combo.


Have Gravity Bind out, Golem Sentry Face-down, Stealth Bird Face-down, and Grand mole.

golem and Grand return cards, and if they only had 1, Golem returns, and Mole and Bird attack, for a total of 1600, plus Stealth's effect, equaling 2600. It's perfect! And I have things like Magic Jammer face-down to stop that crap like MST, Heavy Storm, and others.

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@Xing: You're dad is doomed? Oh no! Why?


... or were you referring to Dark Armed Dragon... lol


Dad = Father


DAD = Dark Armed Dragon.

It's doomed to and RDA tin though.

I did get some use' date=' but I use my Psychics, E-Heros, and Gravity Bind Deck. My GB decks ultimate combo.


Have Gravity Bind out, Golem Sentry Face-down, Stealth Bird Face-down, and Grand mole.

golem and Grand return cards, and if they only had 1, Golem returns, and Mole and Bird attack, for a total of 1600, plus Stealth's effect, equaling 2600. It's perfect! And I have things like Magic Jammer face-down to stop that crap like MST, Heavy Storm, and others.



If you only play against Deck with MST and Heavy Storm and other de-spell-type SPELL Cards. I recomend you Judgement of Anubis rather than Magic Jammer. If you suddenly play against things like Breaker, Lyla, Trap Eater, DAD, Celestia, ETC. I guess Magic Jammer is good for its purpose xD

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i just got two packs with two ultimate rare cards, they look really cool, but i cant see the image there so shiny.....they were, The Transmigration Prophecy, and degenerate Circuit


anyways i just finished drawing Angel Dragon, i think i got it right this time, now off to coloring....which takes forever.....:(

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No' date=' they made a lot. THey're just not that rare. They're mainly Common and Rare cards made ultimate.



hmmm well ultimate rares suck anyways you cant even see there pics.......thats one of the main reasons i like yugioh cards is because of the pictures...... :)

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No' date=' they made a lot. THey're just not that rare. They're mainly Common and Rare cards made ultimate.



hmmm well ultimate rares suck anyways you cant even see there pics.......thats one of the main reasons i like yugioh cards is because of the pictures...... :)


I support you in that. I hate Ultimate rare, but I must tell you there are worse posibilities. Have you seen Ghost rares? You can see yourself but not the actual pic (LOL)

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This is off topic but has anyone talked to Fuzzie lately?


Don't worry ;) you are more on-Topic than all of us xD


Fuzzie.. not during this last week that I recall, :?

I hope he fixes his computer soon (or gets a new one)

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