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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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Oo im sorry you couldnt figure that out? Ok Self Drawn Cards.


be nice to him' date=' there happens to be a big number of age between you too, and you shouldn't bully


anyways, this thread is mostly made of random comments that disperse into big huge conversations in the end so it's all good.



i wasnt really bullying. Sorry for being a jerk on that post but i put Slef draw instead of Self Drawn. He shouldve been able to put that together.


Otherwise sorry for that last post

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So I heard talk about Starcraft and Diablo (and cintiq), and I felt the need to join in. First with the fact that SC2 beta went live this week. I signed up for beta too late, so I can only hope I get accepted in the next round of invites...

Diablo 2 was ok, but Starcraft and the Broodwar expansion are what put Blizzard on the map. Starcraft was just so well done and balanced, it's no wonder its survived this long with such a huge fanbase. Diablo 2 was good game, but it just didn't make its genre like Starcraft did. Not that I don't still plan to get Diablo 3 when it comes out, but I can see it starting to lose out to MMORPGs as time goes on.

Also, Nick, if you plan to get a cintiq, I hope you got lots of money. I heard Cintiqs are great because they have virtually no learning curve, and I'd love to have one, but they're so dang expensive. Maybe you should try the intuos 4s, I heard their more usable then the bamboos because they have more sensitivity.

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@Spade: Look, I'm just tired of the one-sentence posts. One sentence posts are fine within a conversation, but just posting "check out my (fill in the blank)!" is the only thing you post, it becomes rather annoying. I know I would definately like to see more comments with personality, if you know what I mean.


@Eoc: Exactly what I was trying to say. Starcraft Broodwar is still played widely today, even though it's an old game. Diablo was good but it got old fast, and they had to make new ones to keep people's interest.


@Xing: Never played Fable. WOW is as good as Starcraft, they just make more money off of it, as it's a subscription gamPr

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God -_- How do I put today?


As usual, I had school. The same basic, but thank god we had a sub till 12:30

Then our real teacher was sick and refused to go home, it was just some coughing.


Then, when I got home I realized I had to cuts on my hand, first thing that came to mind was "Vampire". No, I do not read Twilight, I just read lots of Vampire manga now a days.


And now I'm here sitting in my bed after watching random shows on TV. Did you know they're ending Hanna Montana? xD

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I did that with the Simpsons when my sister was here, I got Friday off


Also to summarize today:

Went to school, wasted another 6 hours. Can home read some Shonen Jump. I was disturbed after reading that one chapter of Rosario + Vampire, took that to an advantage to scare my friends xD Ironiclly now I believe in vampires, but in art class we got to draw pics for the Olympics, I think mine was best in the class, considering there were only 2 kids in my school who could draw good stuff were me and some girl name Mikayla who's now in 7th grade. So now I reign supreme! Our CMT's are start on the 2nd, people say that they're so hard. I finish each test in under 30 minutes. And I still get an almost-perfect score. But now instead of narrative prompts this year, we have to do expository. I can barely get to the 3rd paragraph by the time we're done but they just grade it on what we did. Recess, was boring. There's not much to day when we get indoor recess, so next that happens I'm gonna daydream for the 25 minutes that we have.


Played some Punch-Out when I got home, (I hate Philly now!)

And here I am ^^

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Geez the last time i had that i kicked the ball into the basketball net during kickball and everyone thought i was god XD


And you have 25 min Recess? Holy sheet dude, when i was in elementary school we had 15 min recess and the old a$$ recess lady's would blow the whistle 5 min early anyways.


Wait there are only 2 kids in your School and 1 is in Seventh Grade? How many Grade Levels are in your School.?


I have Kindergarting- 5th( Thats elementary)


Then in a new building thats like 15 min away we have the middle school


Then a new building about 2 min away we have the High school.

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