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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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The first one is a card I previously made, BTW. It's Crystal Spider, if you reconize it.


EDIT: This post is filled with so much win.


Or maybe go Insect and mass your deck with like 4 Man Eater Bugs and 4 Royal Man Eater Bugs... Then stack your deck with Mystical Typhon to destroy any Spell Cards or Trap Cards in your way' date=' I just enjoy the game over all..


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I just decided to post a coment here since I haven't in 1 or 2 days. And so happened to want to post This song. I usually listen to power metal and such, but this guy's letters of the songs I really like (of his older songs that is). He's.... not very much liked so far as I've seen around me so I keep him a secret in my CDs :P

Its just a few of the songs I listen to that makes me feel better when I'm depressed. He helps me like no other artist when I need it xD (I would bump with a drawing, but haven't done anything or rather I haven't finished anything)

Oh, if most of you could undestand spanish lol.

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I just decided to post a coment here since I haven't in 1 or 2 days. And so happened to want to post This song. I usually listen to power metal and such' date=' but this guy's letters of the songs I really like (of his older songs that is). He's.... not very much liked so far as I've seen around me so I keep him a secret in my CDs :P

Its just a few of the songs I listen to that makes me feel better when I'm depressed. He helps me like no other artist when I need it xD (I would bump with a drawing, but haven't done anything or rather I haven't finished anything)

Oh, if most of you could undestand spanish lol.



are you serious nobody around you likes juanes??

he's in my ipod, i love his songs, there so great and have such great meaning

i like

song from him... you might of heard of it

i also like it cause it has Nelly Furtado

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I just decided to post a coment here since I haven't in 1 or 2 days. And so happened to want to post This song. I usually listen to power metal and such' date=' but this guy's letters of the songs I really like (of his older songs that is). He's.... not very much liked so far as I've seen around me so I keep him a secret in my CDs :P

Its just a few of the songs I listen to that makes me feel better when I'm depressed. He helps me like no other artist when I need it xD (I would bump with a drawing, but haven't done anything or rather I haven't finished anything)

Oh, if most of you could undestand spanish lol.



are you serious nobody around you likes juanes??

he's in my ipod, i love his songs, there so great and have such great meaning

i like

song from him... you might of heard of it

i also like it cause it has Nelly Furtado


Half of the people around me are emo girls, heavy metal dudes, and such. They wonder why I don't want them to touch my CD player ^-^"


That song I know it :)


[spoiler=List of songs I like from him:]

A dios le pido

Un dia Normal

Dia lejano



Nada valgo sin tu amor

volverte a ver

hoy me voy



there are a few others but I can't recall all of them



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Juanes had a moment of glory here, but no one remembers him now. I have a lot of his songs in my computer.

That's a great drawing Nikki. I recognized her before the image ended loading. The upper wings seem to come out of her head.


About the anniversary pack... Well... I am taking too seriously this Eatos drawing, because it's my favorite card. I am never convinced with it. I want it to be perfect. So, I will start it all over again. While I take some time to concentrate, I am doing another monster pic. It's Crystal Beast Saphire Pegasus. Then I'll try to draw a requested Gorz and then I'll spend all my time in Eatos again...

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I have yet to scan Summoned Skull.


On another note' date=' take that pic outta your sig, Saikano. He's unbanned. ;D



score 1 for the community!

Anyone else know this song? I liek it. And it's growing on me.

its not bad' date=' i like the chorus, thats about it, its kinda catchy xD


ug... Yes i hate it. and i hate rihanna.


Ya she's so hard meanwhile she just got her a$$ kicked a while ago


She's not hard and her new rapp style she's got going on is terrible. I liked it better when she was a little pop star like when she first came out

i really liked her when she first came out, then when the whole chris brown thing happened, she lost everything. everyone saw her as this "tough" girl then shes beaten, kinda ruins it, i feel kinda bad for her, shes trying to hold on to her initial fame :(

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