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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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I say let him in ^-^


I was ok with him around. But him interacting with Nikki wasn't going well, and in a fight I told him to leave :oops:

Fight was spam.


It was him or Nikki, since Nikki is already a member... well..


Anyways ^-^"



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I don't remember myself, I'll look for the comments... shouldn't be that hard.. I have ways that are not going back page by page.




Hi Aster. Good to see you here more often.


You just switched places with about 3 members xD


Haven't seen Xing in a while.

Nikki won't come back until his parties are over xD

NickLD is around, I haven't seen him here either. He's doing work independent from the club (his Green Lantern Project)

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First one that comes to mind: I'll check on Nikki's or CMC's history, its not as hard as here. And cmc doesn't have many comments were I comment so, little black point in post with big red line in a thread from clubs and organizations won't take alot to find..




on that note. The other day I was looking at my history and there are only 20 pages, I wasn't able to find my very first comment in the forum...why is that?

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Thanks Saikano xD


[spoiler=My Comment on page 125:]

I'm really disapointed to find this chaos in the club after no more than 1 day. -_-"

why can't people just try to be friends and go with the flow? I don't really mind accept it sinse Fuzzie lets you all spam this club, but you are overdoing it.

At first we thought Fuzzie was too strict but I kind of understand him now.



I kinda got used to you already, almost gives me a nostalgic feeling of when Arceus used to be with us, you most likely didn't know him but oh well xD.




I think I get what you are saying, I'm not really familiar with the 2 newest members (which are most of the newest posts here) and to find the 2+ pages per day full of arguing like this, I almost want to cry >_>

I bet that's the reason you don't comment much here anymore...

but let's be more tolerant plz. sometimes new things end up being an improvement (if you know what I mean.... maybe in the long run....)



dude nikkie ill say whatever i want ok

im not just saying things cause nickld is OK and i dont have to know someone to say something to him

and im not fricking spamming OK i can talk in whatever club i want' date=' really this club is for anyone who enjoys art and stuff so really any conversation that doesn't deal with that, is spamming


You are missing the basic rules of the section about not being able to comment unless you are a member or want to become one AND in the "want to become one" case, you should be discussing that until you are officially accepted. Seriously this pharagraph really pissed me off^ you are saying you could comment here and even the leader who did the club doesn't have a say in this.

It is spamming if half of what you are doing is arguing with actual members, I don't mind you, but if you continue with that towards xing and Nikki, if Fuzzie doesn't say anything, I'm still the second in charge when ne is not here and will do what I have to do if nessesary.

I don't dislike the idea of new members but if this is the result and will probably continue.....hmm....


i tried telling him the easy way' date=' to just live with it ,there are people who have it worse

but that didnt work. so i went hard on him, people need that now in days, people need to stop babying everyone and actually help, if i give him a plate of cookies and milk and say it will be better, isnt guna help

when you just be as real as you can, then that helps


so you are saying just because there are people with bigger problems, he can't complain about his own? I know negative emotions are always bad for one self and sometimes for people around the person, but they are something that happens, it has to get out of the chest somehow.

I say if a person tells you their problems, it's actually a sign of trust, at least at some degree (as much as you can get over the internet anyways).

someone tells you "look, I have this problem right now" and you are saying "shut up, your problems are nothing, I have passed through more" <---- how did that sound?


i admit i mite have went over bored but i just told the truth and i helped him

Well' date=' assuming your intensions are good ;), but "a little"? O_o ..... well, that is up to xing to deside how to take your comment since it was directed to him to begin with I guess.... =/


sure maybe not the way you approve but i still helped

so nikki shut up and dont tell me what to do ok.

He is not telling you what to do, he is telling you what NOT to do. Also, I'm pretty sure the person I'm quoting here is not the only one reading this so... can't we just try to understand each other a little more?, you are all commenting in the artwork of other members alot less and arguing about spam alot more. :(

(seriously for example, I'm the only one that actually commented in Saikano's last work while you where all talking about I don't even remember what.. what was this club about again? :? )


im sorry for being mean and everything but your pissing me off telling me do this' date=' and do that, and dont say this, and dont say that


You can also focus your pissed off feeling in something else than complaining back, you are no better than the person you are insulting when you start arguing at their level (stop blaming each other >_<" )

(punch beef or something instead)


ill do what i please' date=' im not spamming, im not annoying


I get your point but don't write it in a challenging way, that IS annoying and also sounds like you are talking to the club in general. >.>


and ps

thats great nickld and xing have that relationship' date=' but that doesnt effect what ill say, well maybe if nickld is mad at me then it could, but usally personal stuff doesnt effect my life


don't forget that everything in our surroundings affects us and shapes us continuously even at a subcousious level. Psycological explanations like this aren't just crap. I won't judge you in this, just take a moment to reflect about yourself with an open mind and lets see what you think then ;)



sorry if I look like I'm against your friend or that I might contradict some of your ideas ^-^"

I just want us to work it out somehow, and this is getting out of hand.......



I would actually like details, I have come to enjoy being the listener of some of my friends in real life, even if I might not be able to find anything to say to make you feel better, writting the stuff and having someone else knowing about it can sometimes make one feel relief. You don't actually have to say anything here, or to me if you don't want to (well that's obious xD ) but I advice this with someone that you really trust.

(at this point I'm not sure how much sence I'm actually making but I don't really care that much right now, I'm just writting what comes to mind)

About being social, in real life, I'm about the shyest person you will ever know, I still manage to find friends everywhere when i go out (the few times I do xD ). Maybe you have more friends than what you actually notice.....



I kind of wish you were here right now to control this, but at the same time, its good since there's a lot of pressure and drama in the athmosphere that no1 really needs in their life. Some members that stopped commenting and just limited themselves to watch, might not even be watching anymore because of this kind of stuff -_-"


Have a nice day and I'll come look tomorrow night (I can't afford to do it earlier, too much work @ school and some personal problems of my own)


Do we really need all this going on?




I actually read the comments again... I think I see what happened a little more clear now than then. I would've changed some things about what I said u_u

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Actually, you only need pages 120 to 125. There are no more posts of him after or before that.


The Chaotic Dark Age of Spam and wars, ruled by sleepy xD

Then the light came back to the realm with the return of the true king :lol:

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Hello People here at ALD


I was invited today by fuzzie to join the club. And i am really excited but i know before i join i have to say something. The first time i made my appearance here at ALD you all know the fight that happened with me XING and Nikki. And what i did was completely uncalled for. i had no rite at all to say anything i wasn't even aloud to post on here then. i know what its like to feel like no one likes you or cares enough about you. in fact that's how most of my life use to be and for me to call him a Pu$$y about it was just down rite ignorant and rude. I said that because i was young and stupid but i have changed. And for what i said to nikki i just felt like he didnt need to but in but he did. He was trying to stick up for him and i was just being an a$$hole. And unfortunately instead if being known as a good artist im known as a Dick to everyone here. So please i am sorry for what i said and regret all previous actions i did here at ALD. And before i tell Fuzzie "Yes" i want to make sure that doesnt effect anybody here. So please tell me if it will be ok to everyone if i join.


Thank You

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