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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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Our family came over for Christmas eve. Such Fun.


I got the Hidden Arsenal 4-pack (lol4pack) and 2 Stardust Overdrive.


I also got a stack of 50 blank cds (at least that many. I love making cds.)


I got a how-to-draw manga book' date=' a calender, Wii Music, the Sims 3, and Tag Force 4.


My dad just lost his job, so we didn't have as big of a Christmas as we usually do, but that's not what counts. ;D


*high fives sleepy*


I got an Ally of Justice Synchro from my first pack as well. I remember you saying you pulled the one that looks like Giratina.


Merry Christmas everyone! ^_^



*high fives ;D *


Ally of Justice Catastor, the 40 to 20 dollar card I got in my first pack. I luckyly got another one lol. I'm too honest to have this much luck :P



hey guys sorry i haven't posted my pics but i'm finishing them

guess what i got for christmas :D

LAPTOP!(i think everyone has one' date=' but it's a luxury for me, my family isn't all that rich)

oh and my favorite football team jerseys(not soccer)


(lol i had only one too sleepy)



YAY for moderation while drinking ^.^


Also, I don't have a laptop.

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hey guys sorry i haven't posted my pics but i'm finishing them

guess what i got for christmas :D

LAPTOP!(i think everyone has one' date=' but it's a luxury for me, my family isn't all that rich)

oh and my favorite football team jerseys(not soccer)


(lol i had only one too sleepy)


i dont have a laptop either :)

u gotta check out my new drawings nikki!!

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hey guys sorry i haven't posted my pics but i'm finishing them

guess what i got for christmas :D

LAPTOP!(i think everyone has one' date=' but it's a luxury for me, my family isn't all that rich)

oh and my favorite football team jerseys(not soccer)


(lol i had only one too sleepy)



Yeah, I just got one too ^^

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I've been busy with family stuff' date=' and my cat just died yesterday, so... :\



I thought everything would eventually turn out okay :(

Sorry for that... my condolences (hope I spelled it right and that it means what I think it means ¬_¬" )

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Yeah, you spelled it right. Thanks guys. ;)


She was 19 by the way...oldest cat I've ever seen. She couldn't hear, she could barely see, her joints were terrible, her kidneys were failing, she couldn't eat due to a crowing calis in her mouth, and she was out of energy, so I went with my mom to have her euthenized (given a medicine that painlessley causes her to fall asleep, and then stop her heart. We figured she only had a month to die slowly and painfully anyways, so it was the best descicion we could make. I found out on Christmas we were going to have her euthenized. Happy, right?


Anyways, she was a 19-year old cat, and she only weighed 6 pounds when she died, while she used to weigh 15. I've known that cat since I was born, so it's very wierd not having her around the house, especially since we have no other cats or dogs. I woke up sick in the middle of the night last night, and when I sat down on our recliner by the TV, I half- expected to see Murphy (my cat) come and jump up on my lap like she always does to whoever is in the recliner. It took me a second or two to realize that no one was going to come and greet me.


I'll put a picture of her up on Da soon.

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