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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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I wanted to go back to Neku. Plus, my Avy fits the holiday. Now if someone would look up Merry Christmas Neku on DA, then render the pick (same as my avy) then make a Neku Christmas sig, I'd use that. But yeah.


I didn't feel like the Nappa. It wasn't me.

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It was just a five minute sig anyways.


Anyways, I have exams coming up soon. DX


They are all next week.


I go to classes monday and tuesday next week, take my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd period exams on wed., get out at 1:30, take my 4th and 5th period exams on thursday, get out at 11:30, and on friday I have 6th and 7th period exams, then go over with the rest of the school to the chapel nearby and we have a mass, and from there we are dissmissed at 1:30 for christmas vacation.


W00t! ^_^

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