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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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Off all week too. 9 Day holidays!

I go on vacation to a place.....WITHOUT INTERNETZ!!!!! no Wednesday...



In my opinion 5Ds was a stupid addition to Yugioh. They should've just stuck with the first series.


5D's was the best of all of them, not counting the third season.


I get out tommorow at 1:30, and I'm off for the rest of the week, but have to go in on Saturday for a band thing. :P

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i like 5d even though ive only seen up to when trudge and atlas fight' date=' when trudge is under the control of the spider, i know im way behind



You watch the subs, right? Dubs are fail. Don't watch them. Start back at the beginning. I have a video on why you watch the subs, not the dubs.




I know a better one, but can't find it. :|


EDIT: Found the better one.

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Tell me what Backgrounds you want me to do and I'll do them (what do you need? forest? lake? cave? garden? city? what kind of place of the city? under the bridge? underground? rich neightboorhood?)

I guess I can just don't let me in thin air ;)




That's so epic xD

can I save that comic in my computer... plz? :)

its just great. How much did it take you to do it?

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@Everything I've read - @Fuzzie - No, 5Ds funking sucked. Sorry for the language, it just did.

@ Glass, well everyone, - Pretty much all Anime funking sucks. Sorry for the language, it just does.

inb4twewyisanime - It's a video game, I mean the show crap.


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