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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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yea i just noticed today, i was in the middle of sleeping and i woke up and was like.........

wow i haven't been on YCM in forever, and decided to get on

but i must of got sidetracked cause just a few minutes ago i was on my computer bored

just staring at the screen, and was like oh yeah YCM


man i need to make so more anime drawings, haven't drawn in weeks O.o

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I wanted you to draw my Stardust Neos


I tried to draw it more than once' date=' but I was unable to do it correctly. But that was not the reason I asked for it. The reason was because you said you were bored or something like that.



oh yeah now i remember, i also have to do fuzzies, defrag monarch dude dragon thing


hmmmm, these are things i can do when im bored tomorrow at school -w-


hey fuzz :D


i also want to read this blood stain manga, drawings look good

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Nikki! ^_^


Haven't seen you in forever. You and sleepy' date=' that is.


Anyways, I've been trying to work on my deck, and I'll post what I have so far in a sec.



What are you talking about? xD I've occasionally commented here now and then ;)

I have posted the drawings of 3 anime-ish characters (sketch), a cyclope elephant, and I think I posted another one I already don't remember.

Its just that no1 really commented back to me (only Saikano did)..





Welcome back :D I haven't seen you or NickLD around lately.



You live in San Diego O_o ?

I'm not sure whether I want someone to look at me in real life or not.. ^-^" I'll think about it..

-I don't speak English as well as I write it (I do speak, but I'll be slower and maybe with a light accent that people tell me they don't notice.. but I am shy in English ^-^" )

-I don't actually know anything about you o__O ..... what's your age?... are you male or female?....


-Note that I don't actually live in San Diego, I live in Tijuana and wake up every day at 5am to cross the border for school, where I spend most of my life (awaken)


-Just for a hint.. do you know Southwestern College?(Chula Vista), I go there... that's about it for now...



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Nikki! ^_^


Haven't seen you in forever. You and sleepy' date=' that is.


Anyways, I've been trying to work on my deck, and I'll post what I have so far in a sec.



What are you talking about? xD I've occasionally commented here now and then ;)

I have posted the drawings of 3 anime-ish characters (sketch), a cyclope elephant, and I think I posted another one I already don't remember.

Its just that no1 really commented back to me (only Saikano did)..





Welcome back :D I haven't seen you or NickLD around lately.



You live in San Diego O_o ?

I'm not sure whether I want someone to look at me in real life or not.. ^-^" I'll think about it..

-I don't speak English as well as I write it (I do speak, but I'll be slower and maybe with a light accent that people tell me they don't notice.. but I am shy in English ^-^" )

-I don't actually know anything about you o__O ..... what's your age?... are you male or female?....


-Note that I don't actually live in San Diego, I live in Tijuana and wake up every day at 5am to cross the border for school, where I spend most of my life (awaken)


-Just for a hint.. do you know Southwestern College?(Chula Vista), I go there... that's about it for now...





I might just enroll there (SWC btw) this December XD

Although if I'm lucky, I'm moving either to LA or NY. I'm 19. Male.

What course are you taking? (Just curious) (^_^)

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lol xD




Nikki! ^_^


Haven't seen you in forever. You and sleepy' date=' that is.


Anyways, I've been trying to work on my deck, and I'll post what I have so far in a sec.



What are you talking about? xD I've occasionally commented here now and then ;)

I have posted the drawings of 3 anime-ish characters (sketch), a cyclope elephant, and I think I posted another one I already don't remember.

Its just that no1 really commented back to me (only Saikano did)..





Welcome back :D I haven't seen you or NickLD around lately.



You live in San Diego O_o ?

I'm not sure whether I want someone to look at me in real life or not.. ^-^" I'll think about it..

-I don't speak English as well as I write it (I do speak, but I'll be slower and maybe with a light accent that people tell me they don't notice.. but I am shy in English ^-^" )

-I don't actually know anything about you o__O ..... what's your age?... are you male or female?....


-Note that I don't actually live in San Diego, I live in Tijuana and wake up every day at 5am to cross the border for school, where I spend most of my life (awaken)


-Just for a hint.. do you know Southwestern College?(Chula Vista), I go there... that's about it for now...





not much to comment on, waiting for a topic i like xD

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I might just enroll there (SWC btw) this December XD

Although if I'm lucky' date=' I'm moving either to LA or NY. I'm 19. Male.

What course are you taking? (Just curious) (^_^)


[spoiler=Answer here:]

I'm taking intermediate algebra (or something along the lines) from monday to thursday, Art History tuesdays and thursdays, Graphic Design on Saturdays, I was taking English 115 and that class called personal development, but I dropped them because they didn't give me a choise (it was either both or none and I only wanted English).

My major is Graphic Design...

I spend half of my time in the school at the second floor of the School Library, another 35% of the time taking classess (each day), and the rest at the building called "student center" with more people... the student center is nothing more than a huge waiting room for students to hang out.. I'm spending less and less time there recently...

that should cover everything for the question xD (oh, and HW is done at home)


yes I'm sort of a bookworm ¬_¬"

you have no idea how much I miss the high school system T_T


oh, and good luck enrolling. Next semester, 25% of the classess will be cancelled due to economic problems... students are protesting against it.. (52 classess will be closed from the math department alone...)

And you should have seen 2 semesters behind this one... it was said that the president of the college rised his salary 7% after ending the work for a handful of teachers...

yes, you will be lucky if you transfer, granted that where you are going is not the same...

again I wish you luck on that ;)


If there is something else you want to know (that is not already said here or in my bio xD :D ) you are welcome to ask me..



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I might just enroll there (SWC btw) this December XD

Although if I'm lucky' date=' I'm moving either to LA or NY. I'm 19. Male.

What course are you taking? (Just curious) (^_^)


[spoiler=Answer here:]

I'm taking intermediate algebra (or something along the lines) from monday to thursday, Art History tuesdays and thursdays, Graphic Design on Saturdays, I was taking English 115 and that class called personal development, but I dropped them because they didn't give me a choise (it was either both or none and I only wanted English).

My major is Graphic Design...

I spend half of my time in the school at the second floor of the School Library, another 35% of the time taking classess (each day), and the rest at the building called "student center" with more people... the student center is nothing more than a huge waiting room for students to hang out.. I'm spending less and less time there recently...

that should cover everything for the question xD (oh, and HW is done at home)


yes I'm sort of a bookworm ¬_¬"

you have no idea how much I miss the high school system T_T


oh, and good luck enrolling. Next semester, 25% of the classess will be cancelled due to economic problems... students are protesting against it.. (52 classess will be closed from the math department alone...)

And you should have seen 2 semesters behind this one... it was said that the president of the college rised his salary 7% after ending the work for a handful of teachers...

yes, you will be lucky if you transfer, granted that where you are going is not the same...

again I wish you luck on that ;)


If there is something else you want to know (that is not already said here or in my bio xD :D ) you are welcome to ask me..





Whoa. Is getting to college THAT hard here? I might just go back to my homeland and finish my original major: Animation. Anyway, what's up with you? How do you find Graphic Design? (^_^)


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To tell you the truth, I find a little boring and time consuming to work with the program we are shown, and the class is mainly working with "writting art" right now..

I like pics.. if there was a "cartoonish" career I would take it with no doubt and even take 6+ classess, but that's the closest thing I found :(


Its not that hard if you register in time.. for now, classess for next semester are still not open but be sure to do it on time this semester I didn't ^-^" )


damn you recession >_<

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The space for the class is limited.


There are 3 types of students at the beggining of the semester:


1) The Registered

I don't have to explain what these are.


2) The Waitlisted

When a class is full, a waitlist is opened for students that still want to enter. You will not be registered yet, but you will have a spot reserved (probably), you just need to check in this case, that you are not waitlist #11 or more because at the time, you will have close to no chanse of being in the class.

They are given a code for the class that is needed to be imput in the computer for the registration to be valid when you are in the waitlist.


The class registration can only hold about 30 or 35 students. The class waitlist will only hold up to 20 AND those waitlist spots are only given registration if some of the "registered" people don't show up the first day.


#3 The crashers

This is the bottom. They are not registered, and also didn't get to the waitlist (waitlist closes by the first day of class). they randomly entered the room of their desired class to ask the teacher if they can go in... if they are accepted, they will be given the code to enter for registration (just like waitlisted people, only that waitlisted people have priority over crashers and registered have priority over waitlist).




Now, I'm the Waitlist-Type of student, while my sister is the Crasher-Type.

All 3 Types are too common at school... that's how it is ^-^


btw... people used to tell me they aren't as strict for the payment of the classess. But since the recession began, when they say 5 days to pay, they mean it. I lost most of my classess last semester for following the advice to relax T_T"

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