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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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ok, sry for the two day long absence, i was out-of-town xD

i read the pages, and saw the manga/comic preview, and its a lot better story-wise then the old... i was wondering, do daliege and rea have...a thing? lmao, just wondering.


btw fuzz, u said that konami copied my space monsters by making alien monsters, but werent alien monsters out first? xD


also, i love NCIS!! :D

tony is smexy and hilarious, he reminds me of the human torch in the fantastic four movie xD


ive been working on some drawings, and they will be in my deck, i just need to scan and color them, ill post then when i do :D


see ya when i see ya.

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Hey Nick have you ever heard of the band Owl City?

yea...not to impressed with their work lol' date=' not my cup-o-tea xD

So I've been working at Dragon con this weekend and I'll tell you, working with talented artists makes you want to do something. So I've started using a sketchbook I bought forever ago and did something.






One of these days I'll ink it digitally and color it, but until then...

i swear, ive seen that pic b4.....on deviantart...

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wow fuzz i cant believe you kept up with all of that talk with uchias


ok uchia person i already told you i don't hate you, i just get annoyed by your constant spam, and let me tell ya that the last two pages were you just randomly throwing out talk subjects......

the only thing was you'd say one thing like you were a newb or somethin, then fuzzie said ill call you probey, you totally ignored his comment and went off about some band called owl city(there was more examples but i just was too lazy to look at any other page besides this one.....-_-), that gets really annoying( your very ADD)


and OMG the manga is so cool! just that first example was amazing, and yes fuzz i wonder too if rea and daliege have something going on cause it seems like it lol ;)


eocdragon the pic seems cool, but it's just sorta common(a reaper), i hope this idea expands as you continue your sketchbook.

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@ Eoc: What's Dragon Con? :? Anyways, I love the drawing. Are you going to be in the manga?


@ Nick: NCIS FTW...Monk, Psych, and Ghost Whisperer FTW too...


@ Nikki: I have to keep up with a lot more than you guys realize. Something like that is simple for me to keep up with. ...lolz, you weren't here when Arceus was here, were you? That would explain why you are the only one who is not very tolerant of Uchichas' random posts. The one thing that is good about those is that they always motivate new ideas, although they may start out as simple as "Do you liek cheezburgerz?" Arceus was the same way. He was even the same age...Wait a minute! Wait just a friggen' minute! XD


@ Uchichas: You wouldn't have an obsession with Pokemon and Agels, would you?!? JK. Never heard of Owel City.


[spoiler=Good bands that I've heard of, and favorite song by them.]

Linkin Park - From the Inside

Within Temptation - What have you done now

Crossfade - No Giving up now

Framing Hanley - Lollipop

Red - Already Over

Disturbed - The Night

Three Days Grace - Scared

Black Eyed Peas - Ring a Liong/Showdown/Boom Boom Pow/Rock that Body/Electric City (can't choose one)

Evanescence - Missing

AFI - Love Like Winter

Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Face Down

Fall Out Boy - I Don't Care



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Wow so many questions.


Well Fuzzie, Dragoncon is in Atlanta, which is close to where I live. It has all sorts of stuff, like artists and actors and such. I don't know if you've heard of the San Diego comic con, but it's like that only smaller. And I'd love to be in the manga, but I'm having trouble deciding on my character's bio...


Saikano, it has antennae because it's supposed to be a robot, which probably would have been more obvious if I had colored it...


Nick, i don't know if maybe you saw something similar, but I just did the drawing like 20 minutes before I posted it so...

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I have heard of the San Diego Comic Con.


Anyways, anyone here have a cold? I have one. It's aweful. It doesn't help that I just figured out that I accidently overdosed. *crosses fingers and prays*


...So if I suddenly don't come on for a week...a month...year...yeah...



I feel like I'm copying sleepy, so I'll stop, now. XD


Anyways, I'm delaying the contest until I finish the first arc. Anyone remember that re-draw contest? XD

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