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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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lolz. XD




[spoiler=Everything that was my fault that they stole from the ALD.]

From me, they stole many ideas from the manga, such as a charachter becoming both a signer and dark signer at the same time.


They stole sleepy's archtype-Twilight monsters.


Ever heard of Twilight Rose Knight? The twilight was originally sleepy's. They made more twilight monsters besides that, however, after sleepy made the twilight cards.


I'm not entirely sure on this next one:


Remember Nick's Space monsters? Konami made the "Alien" monsters not too long afterwards.


Lastly, I started working on something called "Advanced Synchros," and put them on here, explaining that they were summoned by using 2 Syncrho monsters, and in the newest episode of 5D's, they introduced "Accel Synchros," which is basically the same thing.





...and it was all my fault because I sent a link to the ALD thread to Konami.

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Are you in college or high school? And yes Konami has stolen some my ideas they are a real pain.


Cannot say.


What ideas? $10 says they've stolen more of mine.


That's all impossible. Unless you actually SHOWED THEM your ideas, they couldn't have stolen them.


FAil Topic is Fail.

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I did show them my ideas.


I gave them a link to this thread, the manga thread, and my deck thread, and this thread has a link to sleepy's Twilight monsters, and Nick's Space monsters.


Anyways, I thought that all of you may like it if I hold a preview of the manga in front of your face, and when you go to reach for it, I pull it away.


Here's your preview.



Ha! I pulled it away!

[spoiler=Okay, you can have it.]






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I'm sorry Fuzzball, but for once I think I'm going to have to agree with Xing here. Konami has legions of people working on new card ideas. It would be kinda cool if they did get the ideas from you though.


Edit: Saw the preview. It made me literally laugh. Going to be awesome.

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Bleck *throws up thinking about the 4Kids version of 5D's*


Watch. The. Subs.


ShriekV. And Prism Weapon. Are. Your. Friends.


IDK, probably Nikki at this rate.



This is who I have for the fan-fic who are definately participating:


Fuzzie - Charr - DECK INCOMPLETE (Good so far.)


sleepy - Mike - DECK & RENDERS NEEDED (Good so far.)


NickLD - Dailiege - DECK & RENDERS NEEDED (Good so far.)


Saikano - Rea - RENDERS NEEDED CARD CONFLICT http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-101480.html (Good So far.)


Nikkiboy029 - Nikki - RENDERS NEEDED DECK INCOMPLETE (1 card minimum) http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-134525.html (Good so far.)



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I don't think he hates, you, he just left, came back, and you were here, and thought "WTF?"


He asked you if you were a part of the ALD and you didn't answer.


You haven't answered a lot of his questions, honestly.


It's a little sad truthfully. I have to answer some of them for you.


I really don't remember any specific questions, except for stuff about what some of your pics look like, and if you are in the ALD, or the manga.


You never answered him.


He just thinks you don't like him, so he avoids you.

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He said a couple pages ago

Your not total failure. Meaning I was kind of a failure. Andi've been wondering what do you think of me being one of the newest members on here since its kinda odd. People consider me a noob and I don't like it I joined this to get my mind off of it and because I like drawing pics for my cards. I have a good Idea for the ald's theme its my fave band, Owl City. Didn't expect that Didya!

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