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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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  '.:Dark Armed Xing:. said:

I can tell I'm hated...............horrah!

Anywayz' date=' A Twilight deck is not Lightsworns + DARK, It's LIGHT + DARK.

What are we discussing?



Yes it is... (to begin with, ALL Lightsworns are LIGHT)

Twilight itself must mean what you are saying, but in Yugioh, all Twilight Decks are Lightsworn Decks.[/fact]


I honestly prefer the word Chaos, but since Chaos Decks are virtually banned, we got this...


go ask any guy in any tournament what a Twilight Deck is formed by (other than Honest & Judgement Dragon, there shouldn't be non-Lightsworns in the list).


And I am were aware of what Twilght stands for outside this.. that's why half of my Deck was LIGHT and half DARK. You only didn't get to see it...


As for what we are discussing, it certainly isn't chicken noodles.

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I noticed my name was mentioned twice since the last time I saw this thread. I was also quoted for my policies, which probably means the apocolypse is coming.


Well, since I apparently don't spam, I should also post something slightly on topic, so I'll ask,


Fuzzie, how is the new fan fic coming along?

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i only have a little bit too..... :(

i still need to do like 30 somethin

but at least i got my bio done :)


No one needs to completely finish their deck-they just need to have it 75 % done, in the respect that you could duel with it, and not get an entire have of LV8's, Traps and spells, ect.

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:D Wow, Iv'e been for way too long. Hey Fuzzie whats up?


Anyways. Check out this card I made. OCG may be way off, but I am getting much better at making images. This was all on just one layer. Hope you guys like it. ^_^




Note: sorry I don't get on often. I'm juggling a job, video games, Forums, Problems with Computer, Animations, Hacks, Drawing, and pretty much everything. I don't get much time to be on here.

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:D Wow. Aren't you guys funny. About the eyes. Like I said, this didn't have layers on it, so creating that eye effect wasn't easy. Correcting it was much harder. And as you can see it wasn't fully corrected. :D So if your wondering why the eyes look smudged, it's because of the extra blue outside of them.

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  'gamekrazzy said:

:D Wow. Aren't you guys funny. About the eyes. Like I said' date=' this didn't have layers on it, so creating that eye effect wasn't easy. Correcting it was much harder. And as you can see it wasn't fully corrected. :D So if your wondering why the eyes look smudged, it's because of the extra blue outside of them.



stop typing so much!!! if we wanted to read we would went to summer school!! ugh always with the paragraghs with u........ XD

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It's not like he's typing boring things, and it isn't like you have to read what he posts anyways. I need to know if anyone wants to enter the fan-fic, change their deck, and/or change their bio, because I don't want to start it up again until we can get everything in that respect sorted out.

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