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Arcane Legion of the Divine - YCM Revolutionary Artists

Brendano Harns

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I'm bored. Looking around at fail is fun.

A FAIL club is a club where the leader is rarely active. Like the Megaman-SH Club lulz.

Even if it was a club like Organization XIII, if Roxas wasn't active, but every other user on YCM was, it'd still be a fail club.

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lol@Dark Armed Xing's post^ but are you saying it to Fuzzie or to his temporary replacement? ^-^"

I guess I should come here a little more often.....



NickLD: I was reading your fan-fic just yesterday but didn't comments because it was almost 2 AM and I didn't really knew what I was doing anymore xD

I like it but I could see some improvements ;) Also, I was wondeirng a couple of things abuot it:


1-Are you going to make a character that uses "Space Monsters" too?

2-Is it your own different story that has nothing to do with Fuzzie's fan-fic OR is it your own different story that represents the past of your character?

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  '.:Dark Armed Xing:. said:

I say it to Fuz. I think he's dead. I haven't seen him on Skype in ever.


Yea Nick' date=' I said this club is fail.


Nick, your AVys hair is........WAAAAAAAAAY to big lulz.



Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him on Deviantart either...


I'm really sorry to say this Nick but your last couple of characters look kinda deformed. Maybe its because of baggy clothes, maybe the face angle, maybe the proportions, maybe the big hair, or maybe more than one of these options, what is true is that there is definitely something about them that makes them look different....hmm......


Oh and yeah, I'm starting to think the same as Dark Armed Xing about this, I mean, look at the members active... I'm not specifying names anymore, most people have left....:(

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  '.:Dark Armed Xing:. said:

I say it to Fuz. I think he's dead. I haven't seen him on Skype in ever.


Yea Nick' date=' I said this club is fail.


Nick, your AVys hair is........WAAAAAAAAAY to big lulz.


its um......style? yea, style, il go with that xD

and if u think the clubs a fail, then get out :P


  'sleepy said:

I say it to Fuz. I think he's dead. I haven't seen him on Skype in ever.


Yea Nick' date=' I said this club is fail.


Nick, your AVys hair is........WAAAAAAAAAY to big lulz.



Now that you mention it, I haven't seen him on Deviantart either...


I'm really sorry to say this Nick but your last couple of characters look kinda deformed. Maybe its because of baggy clothes, maybe the face angle, maybe the proportions, maybe the big hair, or maybe more than one of these options, what is true is that there is definitely something about them that makes them look different....hmm......


Oh and yeah, I'm starting to think the same as Dark Armed Xing about this, I mean, look at the members active... I'm not specifying names anymore, most people have left....:(

which characters are you referring to?

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hello im part of this club too xing

i post here like everyday,


im gonna start a fanfic comic thing

i finnally got it started ......^^;

i kinda wanted to include you all in it

but then i thought maybe not cause maybe fuzzie wouldn't like it

because of his comic for the ald

but my story is way different, and it's not about friends either

so would anyone even want to be in it

if i were to do it?

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ok I will, sorry for that xD

well, I didn't want to name the exact people that comes here anymore and comments because we actually might have more members in here still checking on us than we think, its just that they don't comment very much, I honestly don't know what type of topic they are waiting for to comment in here but, they are here..



I know what you mean, I just don't know what an "important and not spammy topic" would look like in this club (at least not anymore).



I'm refering to all your fan-fic in general. If the main character on it happens to be the past of your ALD fan-fic character... just that ^-^"



I would like to be in it :). If fact, if I remember right, I suggested all members should start doing their own works here not too long ago (ok maybe it was long ago but you get the point xD ). Truth is, we are a club that is making a single project (the ALD fan-fic) as team work (or at least we were until some point back, somewhere.. but we also need to work on our own works once in a while ;)

I've been wanting to do a manga type fan-fic for some time now but it would take too much time from me to draw everything...good thing I have most of the mechanics in my story planned already.


so,,, go ahead and do it :D I'll go look it at some time later on in the future ^-^

that remainds me, I need to comment on NickLD's fan-fic, and have neglected Legendhiro's fan-fic (an old friend of mine ^-^.. ok, not so old, in terms of YCM time it is long)..


Also,,, I need to hurry with my entry for the last round of ChronosCrowler's contest >.<" (isn't over yet).

I'm frankly tired of it but I must get that done with....u_u

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  'Nikkiboy029 said:

hello im part of this club too xing

i post here like everyday' date='


im gonna start a fanfic comic thing

i finnally got it started ......^^;

i kinda wanted to include you all in it

but then i thought maybe not cause maybe fuzzie wouldn't like it

because of his comic for the ald

but my story is way different, and it's not about friends either

so would anyone even want to be in it

if i were to do it?


i do! ^_^



@sleepy: ok, the character in my fanfic is NOT my character in the ALD.

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  '.:Dark Armed Xing:. said:

Well' date=' I got better at sigs.......Look in my sig.

And at this I made for Olimars



I feel so much better!


YAY you are good at sigs :)

Although being for olimars, I can't imagine the guy on that sig Summoning "Cat Fish" lol xD




what I miss?


Aster, where have you been? I can fill you on whatever has been happening.


The most remarcable thing here lately, is that nobody has contacted Fuzzie for a while... but there are other details I'm sure you have missed. ;)

plz reply so I know you are still there :D

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  'Nikkiboy029 said:

what I miss?


lol a lot

do you want to be in my fanfic by any chance?

me guess :P

wait.....fan-fic.....or RP?


Well' date=' I got better at sigs.......Look in my sig.

And at this I made for Olimars



I feel so much better!


YAY you are good at sigs :)

Although being for olimars, I can't imagine the guy on that sig Summoning "Cat Fish" lol xD



  'asterr259 said:

what I miss?


Aster' date=' where have you been? I can fill you on whatever has been happening.


The most remarcable thing here lately, is that nobody has contacted Fuzzie for a while... but there are other details I'm sure you have missed. ;)

plz reply so I know you are still there :D


lol um ok i'm still here XD

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