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im a gaming legend get me out of here! challenge 1 is up and its on page 10

TwIsTeD GaArA_95

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Travis: The names Travis. Travis Touchdown *Pats Sonic on the back* And last time I checked Sonic, your a Hedghog, not a...Were-Hog? And your right Drake, this place is getting pretty freaky...


OoC: By the way, from what Sonic did, i'm presuming that we're on an Irland (If I could spell it correctly :oops: )


*Activates his Beam Katana and throws it like a boomarang at the coconut tree. As The beam Katana swipes at a coconut and comes back to Travis, he kicks the falling coconut up into his arms*


Travis: Well, we're gona be here for a while, so I might as well get used to coconuts...*After peeling it with his Beam Katana and taking a bite out of it (If you can even do that with coconuts...)* yuck!


OoC: I think its a good thing that we're all from the UK, as that way when a challange is set, it won't cause any confusion for anyone else thats in another part of the world, like USA etc. By the way, when is a challange gonna be set?

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sonic:Incase you want to no,Eggman fused teh evil power of the chaos emrelds and his planet laser to do this to me,Its the dark Gais power,Any contact with the darkness and i go into were-Hog.Too bad i carnt swim,Only with scuba diver stuff.I have something fun to do,How about a race to the edge of the island at back?


*Sonic looks at his shoes and presses a button*


sonic:Hmmm wounder what this does


*Sonic puts one foot on water and he stands on it*


sonic:Cool wounder what this does


*Sonics gets out a gem and puts it on his shoe,Its merges into his shoe and changes his shoes to white and aqua*


sonic:Lets see......


*Sonics goes underwater and can breath fine,and swim fine,But his shoes tourn back to normal couler,Then to full white and sonic throws a gem out of water and he teleports there*


sonic:Too bad eggman used these Gems to drain there power,Soon the Gems i had in solina to save princess elise will be gone forever.


*Sonic looks down at the water*


sonic:Elise............EGGMAN THIS IS YOUR FAULT!


*Sonic throws all 8 gems into the ocean*


Sonic:Oh no


OOC:im not talking about the sol emralds,If you had sonci the hedgehog for Ps3 or xbox360 you could buy gems that changed teh couler of his shoes and give him abilities,Thats the Gems im on about.

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Sonic:Thanks Drake...I just hate what eggman did to the world,and to me.None reconised me not even my best friends.


*Sonic sits on the edge of the water*


Sonci:Theres two people i miss the most,Blaze and silver.Theers another perosn i hate mepholies,Tricking them into thinking i made iblis rise in the future.

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