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Dark Turbo


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Not terribly new, but i figured i'd try it. Fixes please!



DAD x2

Darklord Zerato x2

Dark Creator x2

Rainbow Dark Dragon


Malicious x3


Darknight Parshath


D.D. Scout Plane x3

Strike Ninja x2

Armagddon Knight x2

Dark Grepher x2

Phantom of Chaos


Prometheus, King of the Shadows

Doomsday Horror

Dark Crusader



RotA x2

Allure x2

Burial from a D.D.

Heavy Storm





Escape from the Dark Dimension x3

Return from the D.D.

Mirror Force




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Monster Fixes:

-1 Darknight Parshath (waste)

-1 Rainbow Dark Dragon (too hard to summon)

-1 Doomsday Horror (requires too many removed from play DARK monsters to be effective)

-1 Dark Crusader (no effect other than ATK increase)

-1 Jinzo (with the amount of Traps you're running, Jinzo is counter-operational)

-2 Darklord Zerato (with the amount of monsters being removed from play, unlikely to be able to summon

+1 Dark Creator (easier to summon than Zerato, doesn't require the monsters in grave to have different names, also helps removal from grave)

-3 D.D. Scout Plane (waste, better to use D.D. Survivor)

-1 Strike Ninja (takes up too much space, only need one)



Spell Fixes:

+1 Allure of Darkness

+1 Giant Trunade

-1 Premature (banned)

+3 Trade-In


Trap Fixes:

+3 Solemn Judgment

-1 Mirror Force (won't see too much attacking nowadays)

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-3 D.D. Scout Plane (waste' date=' better to use D.D. Survivor)


D.D. Survivor only activates when it's removed from the field. Thanks.



Wow, are you trying to argue that Scout Plane > Survivor

Trust me, it's not. So what if it's effect only activates from the Field, it is still more useful than Scout Plane. Scout Plane is so bad that it would only be useful as Tribute Fodder. But this deck doesn't run many cards that need Tributes (Malicious might need one at some point, but once one is gone, the others can just be Special Summoned). So seriously drop the Scout Planes for Survivor, it'll help the deck.

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Wouldnt a 'Turbo' be for someting like Diamond Dude' date=' Exodia, or Magical Explosion?



Not necessarily. Those are only a few examples of Turbo Decks. Two of which are crippled thanks to the current state of the ban list. Reasoning and Monster Gate are Limited, ruining Magical Explosion and DDT, and Dimension Fusion and Dark Magician of Chaos are banned meaning DDT is rather dead.

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