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Let's go for just avi's and text - The Basic Shop


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I'm just starting with Avi's and text until I get experience. NO WORKERS UNTIL THIS MESSAGE GOES



[spoiler=*..Avatars..*..3 Points..*]


Text (Max. 3 words / 25 characters)

Size (Max. 80x80, Min. 50x50)

Style (dark, sky, etc.)

Any Images needed (Max. 1)




[spoiler=*..Home-Made Text..*..Just one point a letter..*]


Text (Maximum 200 characters)

Size per letter (Small = 8x5, Medium = 12x8, Large is 20x15,)

Extra set of + - / 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 [ and ] for 8 points?

Starter/Stopper? (Free)








Text: Judgment

Size: 50x50

Style: Shadowy

Any Images needed: None

Notes: Make it good =P




Text: Splapp

Size per letter: Can I have 7x5? If not, Small.

Extra set: No thx ^_^

Starter/Stopper? (Free): Ya! xD

Style: Original

Notes: Brown please










If anyone thinks I should down the avatars to 1 point, I might.

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