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PLZ LOCK! (Will Make A New Shop)

E-Hero Kyle

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Name: El Beasto Perezoso

Your speciality: Splicing/Anything involving sprites & changing them in many ways

Any other graphics you can make: Frames (Just can't actually make them move' date=' don't have software)

A shop you are looking for a job in (leave blank if you don't mind): Spriting, preferably one involving pokemon or Fire Emblem

Other: I basically know my way around MS Paint. If you give me some bland materials, I could probably make something good out of them.


Quote in Shopping Center ^


I was told that my application was accepted here...?

Would this happen to be true?


EDIT: Sample of my spriting work:





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Name: El Beasto Perezoso

Your speciality: Splicing/Anything involving sprites & changing them in many ways

Any other graphics you can make: Frames (Just can't actually make them move' date=' don't have software)

A shop you are looking for a job in (leave blank if you don't mind): Spriting, preferably one involving pokemon or Fire Emblem

Other: I basically know my way around MS Paint. If you give me some bland materials, I could probably make something good out of them.


Quote in Shopping Center ^


I was told that my application was accepted here...?

Would this happen to be true?


EDIT: Sample of my spriting work:






Ok you're hired!!!Please put the form!

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•Card Convert

Card To Be converted: Ancient Gear Golem

Cost: 3 points

What Template: Anime card


•Card Convert

Card To Be converted: Ancient Gear Knight

Cost: 3 points

What Template: anime card


•Card Convert

Card To Be converted: Anceint Gear Engineer

Cost: 3 points

What Template: anime card


thank you






6 points in all!

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