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Legendary: The Mythical War RPG PG13-16! Started but still accepting!


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The Year is 2010. The Economy is so bad people steal from goodwill. Unfortunately A man named Kyle Anthony Myers wanted more. He went to the museum of Myths and legends to steal something valuable, what he stole was hell. He went back to his apartment with his stolen goods. Among them were The sword of Hercules, the claw of Cerberus, and Pandora's Box. His curiosity got the best of him when he opened the box. They Sky turned red the wind blew, thunder struck the ground as mythical beasts fell from the sky. Thy killed everything. Among the few living, 3 parties were made to survive. You are the ones among those few parties to survive.


The parties were.


1. Searchers: Search for survivors. (unlimited)

2. Fighters: Just wanna kill. (5)

3. Heros: Try to stop the invasion. (7) Note: If spot opens you can switch parties.


Our logo: Untitled-3.jpg

Our Theme Song: http://www.musicjesus.com/song_37989_Nightwish-Nemo.html



No spamming

No godmodding

No bunnying








Weapon: (GUN main)

Weapon: (Back up)





Name: Drags

Age: 15

Bio: A simple goth who loved to party, Before the invasion. Short, white, Blue eyes.

Personality:loves to party, Anger problems.

Weapon: Auto Shotgun

Weapon: Uzi 9mm

Party: Heros

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Name: Daichi

Age: 16

[spoiler=Bio: ]Before the attack he always loves swords, him & his brother would always train with wooden swords, there sensei said that they where the best he had ever seen with swords, and he gave them real swords for there B-day not long before Daichi's brother was killed by the demons, daichi was attacked many times by Fighters and was barely able to fend them off with his wooden swords, so one day when he was attacked he took his real sword & used it to fight, & on that day he fought & fatally wounded over 30 & killed 3, of his attackers. after that he realized that if he was being attacked then there must be others that where being attacked & took both swords with him to try and defend the innocent people.


Personality: Depends on the people around him

[spoiler=Weapon: ]15-2090007-1.jpg


[spoiler=Weapon: ]Bushido_Blood_Dragon_Katana_M.jpg


Party: Heroes

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OOC: I didn't even realize we where supposed to use guns.

But I'll keep it with the swords,


guns are just boring to use

Besides, I'm very good with swords (Well, my character it anyways)


Daichi:*Spot's a kid being kicked around by some guy*


Randome guy: *kick's the kid in the chest*

so you like talking back to your grown ups do you?

well this should teach you a leesso.....


Daichi:*hits the man in the back with the back end of his sword*

if you touch that boy one more time, i'll use my sharp end.


Man: *stands up & pulls out a shotgun*

you think that sword can stand up to a shot gun?

*ains the gun at daichi & pulls the triger*


Daichi: *Before the man pulls the trigger, he turns around the sword & the cuts the barrel of the gun & slashes him across the chest in one quick movement*


I warned you, next time, you wont make it back with your life.

*sheath's his sword, pick's up the kid and caries him to a hospital*

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Ooc: Here is a list of the enemies:







Fire Drakes



Tsuchigumo Blood Spiders


Cerberus Juveniles

Sea Serpents


Drags looked around because he heard a bird. "Better not be a trick." He said. It was dark out. Drags lifted his shotgun and turned the flash light that was on the bottom on. "This is when THEY come out." He looked around some more for his best friend, Amy. "Damn it, she goes of for 10 minutes to the bathroom and gets lost. He heard howling. "Damn it!" Suddenly three werewolves were swarmed around him. One lunged at him but he knocked it away with the butt of his gun. The second one scratched his arm but he blasted it with his slugs. The third knocked him to the ground. He was out cold.

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Zak: *Arrives at a rundown hospital & walks inside where a doctor comes up to him*


Doctor: It look's like you saved another life.


Zak: The attacker is on Gray st, pleas send an ambulance there immediately.


Doctor: You always where a kind person,

But with things getting bad like they are,

You wont always be able to win without killing


Zak: *turns to leave*

your probably right, but until then I'm gonna do 2 things.


im going continue to fight for good, & im going to train my ass off

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Ooc: accepted.


Drags awoke in the middle of the street to screaming. "Wait, what?" he muttered. He saw a few survivors, and a whole lot of werewolves. He looked for his gun, but it was nowhere to be found.

Lucky for him the werewolves had not seen him yet. He looked around for something to defend himself in case they do. He saw a dead survivor equipped with a Uzi. "Here's my chance." He ran toward the Uzi and picked it up. He heard a noise behind him. "Whats going on?" the voice said. "Die!" Drags turned around and fired. When he stop to see what he shot, it was not a werewolf, it was Amy.

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