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how do u post cards without using attachments


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Need help uploading cards/images into your posts?


This is how glasstin10 does it:


>Right-click on your finished Yu-gi-oh card/image and save it onto your computer.

>Create an account on http://photobucket.com/. [Don't worry, it's free.]

>Upload your saved Yu-gi-oh card/image from your computer into your album on http://photobucket.com/. [To upload your saved data onto http://photobucket.com/, simply find a box that says, "Upload Images and Videos" on your album page. Then, click a button called, "Choose Files" to find the Yu-gi-oh card/image you previously saved onto your computer.]

>Once your Yu-gi-oh card/image has been uploaded to your album, find a large amount of text underneath the newly uploaded image, titled, "IMG Code".

>Once you've found that, copy and paste that whole line of text, into your post. [To copy and paste, highlight the desired text, and right-click. Then click, "Copy". Go to your post, and right-click once again. Finally, click, "Paste".]

>Now that you've gotten a large line of text that begins with the tags, "-", preview your post.

>If you still see a large line of text, go back and make sure you followed all of the steps that were listed.

>If you followed all of the previous steps correctly, you should have your desired Yu-gi-oh card/image showing-up on your post.


Still need further help?


Shoot me a private message.


Hope I helped!





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