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Deck Contest - Reset Button


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I really want to make a Reset Button deck but I'm not 100% sure of the right way of doing it so that's where you come in =D. +Rep and 100 points for the winning deck.


Do NOT include: Malicious, D-Draw, Plaguespreader, DAD, CCV (they are out of my price range)


The deck should contain (it's not Reset Button otherwise is it?): Sky Scourge Norleras, Phantom of Chaos, The Dark Creator


Contest closes when I think enough people have entered ;D

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3 Sky Scourge Norleras

3 The Dark Creator

3 Dark Nepths

2 Phantom of Chaos

3 Mystic Tomato

3 Dark Grepher

1 Armageddon Knight

1 Sangan



3 Allure of Darkness

3 Trade - In

2 Reinforcement of the Army

2 Foolish Burial

1 Monster Reborn

1 Brain Control

1 Heavy Storm

1 Feather of a Phoneix

1 Card Destruction



1 Torrential Tribute

2 Threatening Roar

3 Solemn Judgement



Try that? just an attempt.

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... did you make this just for me...?


3x norleras

3x despair from the dark

3x mezuki

2x PoC

2x dark creator

3x lyla

3x wulf

1x gorz


3x charge

3x recharge

3x trade in

3x allure

2x foolish burial

1x monster reborn

1x storm

2x feather

2x dark eruption


i might post a different deck...

2 things


1) i edited my deck


2) is it tcg cards only?

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