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How about This (warrior+synchro summoning)


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Monsters: 20

|1| Raiza the Storm Monarch

|2| Caius the Shadow Monarch

|1| Cyber Dragon


|1| Elemental Hero - Stratos

|3| Elemental Hero Wildheart

|2| Rose, Warrior of Revenge

|2| Jutte Fighter

|3| Giant Rat

|1| Spirit Reaper

|3| Marauding Captain

|1| Sangan


Spells: 12

|3| Reinforcement of the Army

|1| E - Emergency Call

|1| Monster Reborn

|3| Shrink

|1| Heavy Storm

|1| Mystical Space Typhoon

|2| The Warrior returning Alive


Traps: 8

|3| Solemn Judgement

|3| Bottomless Trap Hole

|1| Trap Dustshoot

|1| Torrential Tribute


Extra Deck

Stardust x3

Goyo x3

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you're running Stratos with only 3 targets. If you're gonna use it. Has something for it to search for.

-1 Stratos (or add target cards)

-1 Spirit Reaper

+2 Giant Trunade


This person does not know what they are talking about because:


A: 3 targets for Stratos to search is fine.

B: Giant Trunade is limited


i'd like to see Exiled Force in here.

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you're running Stratos with only 3 targets. If you're gonna use it. Has something for it to search for.

-1 Stratos (or add target cards)

-1 Spirit Reaper

+2 Giant Trunade


This person does not know what they are talking about because:


A: 3 targets for Stratos to search is fine.

B: Giant Trunade is limited


i'd like to see Exiled Force in here.


sorry, didn't mean to type the giant trunade thing.

my issue with Stratos is that RoTA can do the same job but better in this deck and not waste a normal summon. That is why I said take out Stratos.

-1 Stratos

+1 RoTA

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This isn't a good deck.


Stop pretending to be a good player.


As for the Deck, make the Extra Deck more like this:


2x Stardust Dragon

2x Goyo Guardian

2x Thought Ruler Archfiend

1x Colossal Fighter

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Black Rose Dragon

1x Magical Android

1x Doomkaiser Dragon

1x Tempest Magician

1x Psychic Lifetrancer

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1x Gladiator Beast Heraklinos

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