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Rate my dark deck

Light Knight

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3x Archfiend Soldier

2x Giant Orc

3x Dark Blade

3x Zure Knight of dark World

1x Zombyra the dark

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Exiled Force

1x Double Coston

1x Vorse Raider

2x D.D. Survivor

2x Mad Dog of Darkness

1x Pitch Black Warwolf


Tribute Monsters:


1x Patrician of Darkness

1x Summoned Skull

1x Caius The Shadow Monarch

1x Dark Armed Dragon

1x Gorz the Emissary of Darkness


Magic cards:


1x Ribbon of Rebirth

1x monster Reincarnation

1x Shrink

1x Creature Swap

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Lightning Vortex

1x Mage power

1x Card Detruction

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Monster Reborn




3x Sakuretsu Armor

1x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Magical arm Shield

1x Karma Cut

1x Waboku

1x Solemn Wishes

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Draining shield



44 cards in my deck and i work hard on this one and tough cards to find as well.

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Guest Supreme Gamesmaster

I believe you used Summoned Skull.


And Giant Orc.


In the same Deck.


That has more than 40 cards.




I would start netdecking, like, now, until you can figure out what's good and bad in this game. I mean, I'm no expert (actually, I'm pretty damned bad), but this deck is epic fail.


Exact problems, to name a few:

•Vanillas (normal monsters) have no place in any Deck except those which require them (Advanced Ritual Art, etc)

•No graveyard control for DAD

•No reliable draw power (slow)

•Too unfocused (try more copies of less, more reliable cards)

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-3 Archfiend Soldier

-2 Giant Orc

-3 Dark Blade

-3 Zure Knight of dark World

-1 Zombyra the dark

-1 Spirit Reaper

-1 Double Coston

-1 Vorse Raider

-2 D.D. Survivor

-2 Mad Dog of Darkness

-1 Pitch Black Warwolf

+1 Snipe Hunter


Tribute Monsters:


-1 Patrician of Darkness

-1 Summoned Skull

+1 Dark Armed Dragon


Magic cards:


-1 Ribbon of Rebirth

-1 monster Reincarnation

-1 Creature Swap

-1 Swords of Revealing Light

-1 Mage power

-1 Card Detruction

-1 Pot of Avarice




-3 Sakuretsu Armor

+2 Bottomless Trap Hole

-1 Magical arm Shield

-1 Karma Cut

-1 Waboku

-1 Solemn Wishes

-1 Magic Cylinder

-1 Draining shield

+3 Solemn Judgment

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