Kale Posted May 23, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 23, 2009 'Καsτοr said: Sent app. Yet' date=' still needs a few more cards. I need more art so I can make the cards. I'm not that good at written cards. So, any sugestions.[/font'] ill look over it asap. ;) though i am a bit busy with making cards for this chapter... tiny spoiler: New cards will be given to Trey, boosting his deck's abilities. This will be a dramatic change from the all-over-the-place style of the old Discharge Monsters.. and in sooth that is really what they were. it was a bad start.. but i have an idea that would really change the archetype. :D so, i am in the process of making that. but as soon as i have done that i will review your submission. ;) ...if you dont get a PM from me in 2 days about it, please send me a PM reminder. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 25, 2009 View in my blog, Please post comments here. [spoiler=Chapter 5: War Heroes pt 2] Six Years Ago: Yanta City Deep in the center of Yanta you won't find the skyscrapers and commercial buildings that you find in other popular cities, like Neo-Domino, Aequitas or Succurro. There are no special destination sites like piers, art galleries or museums. The architecture is ancient, the buildings are crumbling, and most everyone in the town is poor. Some are so poor that they have nothing to eat. Crime is rampant, and there is no real government to talk about to keep it under control. Yet there is one thing that always keeps people there, and more and more people flocking to the town center of Yanta: its large trading site. Day after day hundreds of people go to the town center and set up their tables with simple, low price items they are willing to trade. A lot of the time people will be selling food, as there isn't a whole lot of farmland around there for everyone to cultivate. Others have simple commodities such as clothing, toys, books, and toiletries. Everyone knows everyone there, and there are no secrets from anyone. Everyone is your neighbor, competitor, and your friend. A lot of the time they are also your godfather, non-blood brother, and lover. Because of this everyone was cheerful, everyone had fun, and everyone was okay with each other. That is why when something tragic happens, such as the death or disappearance of a townsman, everyone knows about it and mourns the loss. When Alan Szarp's family disappeared it was known all throughout the community. Back then Alan was like an ordinary kid, except he was in the lower class. His hair was short and naturally spiky, his clothing was loose and flowing, and he had the happy-go-lucky nature of all kids. Everyone knew the Szarps, they were almost like the role models of the town. They were highly respected and justly so, Alan's father was the leader of the Local Trade Organization. Alan's mom and dad were deeply in love with each other, always all over each other when they had the chance. Alan's dad, Charles, would always buy his wife flowers and gifts. It was an unusual day when there wasn't a gift. Alan saw this type of love and wished for it himself, looking forward to the day he could have the same for the girl he loved. She was gorgeous; Alan knew from the first time he saw her that he was madly in love. Her hair was to the edge of her chin and always straight. Her hair was thin, and it usually ended up lying in front of her face, over one eye. Her eyes sparkled even when there was no light, her lips glistened with her gloss, her smile made Alan's heart weak. She was older than him, about 14 when he was 11, but he didn't care. He just knew that he would love her forever, care for her, and be there for her every need. He was a very mature lad at that time. With his parents missing he had an excuse to see her. After his parents' disappearance he went into a mild depression that she recognized. She, too, had noticed this amazingly handsome boy, even though he was only 11. He was very mature for his age, as if his body was aging at a faster rate than most. He looked like he was 16, even starting to form some stubble on his cheek. In his depression she decided to try and make him feel better, to talk with him, to be there for him. This made him extremely happy. Her name was Brooke, Brook Wheterson. They two of them were inseparable after their first meeting, Alan and Brook. They went everywhere with each other, they told each other everything, they did everything with one another. Nothing was secret from the two of them. Even though their relationship grew to immeasurable bounds he was still not accepted by Brooke’s parents. They resented him; they saw him as a radical mind that would corrupt their daughter. ‘Damn upper class,’ he would dub them. He just wanted to see the one that he desperately loved. He was forced to steel and cheat the system at every turn. He would sleep in the sheltered areas that were free, such as under a canopy of a shop or in the front entryway of a residential apartment complex. Alan would take bread off of counters after seeing an opportune distraction. Sometimes the distraction was caused by him, other times it was just serendipity. Alan was barely hanging on to life. He didn’t have a large supply of clean water like others, he was lucky to even find water at all. He certainly didn’t get enough nutrients from the small pieces of bread and cheese that he managed to steel. Whenever he could score an apple he would thank the heavens for allowing him such great fortune. He would get caught quite often, and those days were the better ones. He would have a nice place to stay, and he would have all the clean water and hot food he wanted. But eventually the police even stopped taking him in, as he would continue the cycle over and over again. Alan was desperate, and the only real thing that he had was Brooke. One day, when he was reaching his thirteenth birthday, Brooke asked him something that changed Alan’s view on life. “Alan,” she asked, “Why do you think your parents disappeared?” Alan was taken aback by the question. He didn’t know how to answer, he didn’t know if there was one. He hadn’t put much though into it, as a matter of fact. “I can’t be sure,” Alan said, “They were well respected people here in Yanta… I don’t know why they would disappear like this.” “Do you suspect something happened to them? Something bad?” Alan was again taken aback. He preferred not to be asked things about his parents. It was still a tough thing for him to talk about, even if it had been two years. “I.. I don’t know…” “Well, do you think someone had a grudge against your parents?” “Brooke…” “Did they?” Alan looked at her, tears rolling down the side of his cheek, “Stop.. please..” Brooke sensed how she had touched a sensitive area, and quickly tried damage control, though it didn’t work. Alan was too upset, he had never thought that his parents had been killed, or anything else that would have caused his parents to go missing. He had heard it suggested several times through the streets but he disregarded them. But after hearing his one and only talk about it he considered it, and he actually allowed the thought into his mind. His parents might be dead, actually, he was getting more and more certain that they were. It had been two years and there wasn’t even a trace. Where could they have gone that would take two years? What could possibly make them want to leave for that long? Alan, in the heat of the moment, began to feel his body tremor. His arms were shaking, he started to sweat. He felt his forehead get hot and tingly, like he was about to pass out. His vision even started to fade. He must have started hallucinating too, because he saw thing start glowing. He saw all sorts of goods glow, levitate and explode in that sequence over and over again. He ran through the town center, dodging everyone that he could. He ran into people often, but he kept on running. He could hear Brooke screaming after him, but he couldn’t stop now. His mind wasn’t allowing his body to stop. It was too late. The hallucinations went wherever he went, stopping when he left the area. It was like a shockwave of destruction with Alan at the forefront. He started hearing screams of surprise and pain and even started to wonder if these hallucinations were visions at all. People around him started to talk about the situation going on. “What’s going on?” “Did you see that vase explode?” “What is causing this?” “My arm!” “Look at that kid, he looks freaked..” “That is old Szarps’ kid, the orphan.” “Wait, look at his eyes, they are purple…” “You sure? That doesn’t seem possible…” Alan stopped running around, all the noise around him made him temporarily forget his ability to run. “Look, the wave of destruction stopped right here,” one store owner pointed out, freaked. His fruit stand was self-destructing mango by precious mango. Everyone started to get out of the way, leaving Alan all alone in the epicenter. “Look at that kid, what is up with his skin?” “It does seem to have a purplish tint to it, doesn’t it?” “Look at his eyes, they are glowing…” “Maybe he is the one causing this..” “It is him! Take him out..” Alan felt a sharp pain in his neck and he passed out. The last thing he saw before his eyes closed one last time was all of the items falling back onto the earth, destroying most of the commodities on that section of the market. It was a world of broken glass, and Alan was the one to blame. Present Day: Downtown Aequitas Trey took one card out of his hand, ready for the assault that was about to ensue. “When you destroyed my Iengy you thought that I had no plans after that, but in fact you made a terrifying mistake. You should have waited, using your Trap to its best time: when my monster attacked. But you tried to ruin my move preemptively, and that was not smart. This also triggered the ability of my Iengy, giving you 500 points of damage.” Flames erupted from Trey’s side of the field and leapt right at Alan, digging out more of his Life. Trey: 7300, 7Alan: 2700, 3 Trey placed his card on the field. “I Special Summon my Cobun the Discharge Spirit from the remains of my fallen Iengy!” Flames erupted from where Iengy the Discharge Combatant once stood, making way for a new force. From the rubble forged a new creature, one of small stature, but of terrifying power. A charred zombie on wolf back appeared brandishing a staff. 800/1100/LV2. [spoiler=Card Info]Cobun the Discharge Spirit••FIRERock/Tuner800/1100 When you draw a card(s) you take 800 damage. When a "Discharge" Monster you control is destroyed, Special Summon this card from your hand and activate 1 of the following effects: • Special Summon the destroyed monster in Defense Position and reduce its ATK to 0. • This card gains 2 Levels. During each of your Standby Phases this card loses 1 Level (min. 1). “Now, when you destroyed my Iengy I was able to Special Summon this guy. Since he was Summoned in this way I am able to activate one of his other abilities! Now I can bring back the monster that was just destroyed, my Iengy the Discharge Combatant!” The creature on the wolf’s back raised its staff. It started to glow, and the energy was displaced to an area to the left the creature. It started a fire that was so hot it shook the dead, and the one that was shook the most ended up coming back in its original place. Iengy was back. 1800/600/LV4 To see this card, go to: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-89947-page-1.html “The only difference now is that its attack points are now reduced to 0, but at least I can still activate its effect,” Iengy: ATK- 1800~0. “Now I can use the ability of my Iengy and discard a card, increasing its ATK by 300. While this is useless, the card I discard for this effect will have its own effect activated. I discard 1 Irith the Discharge Commander from my hand, and that increases the ATK of my Iengy by 300, and my Irith’s ATK by 600!” In an instant the flames around the two monsters got warmer and larger, turning up the heat in the area. Both creatures got an attack boost, but only one of them was worthy of attacking this turn. Iengy- ATK: 0~300Irith- ATK: 2400~3000 Alan didn’t like the looks of this. He only controlled two monsters, and they could not stand up to the monsters that Trey now controlled. He wished more than ever that he didn’t let his emotions get the best of him, that he would have been better. But he just had to deal. “At least I will have one monster survive this round.” “How do you figure?” Trey asked. “Well, your Irith is strong enough to destroy my Jimatukame, but your other two creatures are not so lucky, they both have attack powers of 300 and 800, and my Ponikame has 900 points. No matter what you choose to attack with your Irith I will have one monster left over for next turn.” “You didn’t realize that my Cobun was a Tuner monster, then.” Alan was confused, “You said that you didn’t have any other Synchro Monsters that you could Summon…” “No, I said that I had none that added up to Level 8. And that statement is true, I don’t have a level 8 Synchro Monster. But I do have a Level 6…” Trey trailed off purposefully. Alan’s eyes grew wide, “No… that cannot be.” “Ah, but it is. I use my Iengy and my Cobun in a Synchro Summon. A Level 2 Tuner plus a Level 4 non-Tuner monster creates a Level 6 Synchro Monster! I Summon my Bunkre the Discharge Mage!” Cobun leapt off the wolf and into the air, transforming into two glowing rings. The rings descended separately of each other, but headed to the same place. The formed around the smoldering soldier, transforming it into four equidistant orbs of light. They spun in a self-sufficient circle for a minute, then collapsed on each other into a beam of vertical light. The light transformed into a creature, a flaming woman with ancient tribal lines on her body. She wore a mask, and her hair was made of fire. 2500/1900/LV6. [spoiler=Card Info]Bunkre the Discharge Mage••••••FIRESpellcaster/Synchro/Effect2500/1900 When this card is Synchro Summoned, add 1 "Discharge" Card in your Deck to your hand. When you draw a card(s) send the top 2 cards of your Deck to the Graveyard. For each Spell Card sent to the Graveyard by this effect, this card gains 300 ATK. During either player's turn, you can send this card back to the Extra Deck to Special Summon 1 "Ember Token" (Rock-Type / FIRE / Level 2 / ATK 600 / DEF 600) in your Spell or Trap Card Zone and gain 1000 Life Points. An "Ember Token" is treated as a Continuous Spell Card while face-up on the field. “Now that I have Synchro Summoned this monster successfully, I can add 1 ‘Discharge’ card in my Deck to my hand! So I add my Field Spell Card City of Discharge Embers to my hand!” Trey took the card from his Deck and placed it in his hand, bringing the total back to six. “I activate my Field Spell! Let’s change the scenery!” Trey placed his card into a special place on the disk, a slot that pops out on the right end of the disk. When the trey fell back in place the disk glowed for a moment, and then a series of buildings appeared around them. Each building was charred and burned, a few were on fire. [spoiler=Card Info]City of Discharge EmbersField Spell Card Once per turn, when you take damage from the effect of a "Discharge" Monster you control or when a "Discharge" Monster you control is destroyed, you can Special Summon 1 "Ember Token" (Rock-Type / FIRE / Level 2 / ATK 600 / DEF 600) in 1 of your Spell and Trap Card Zones. An "Ember Token" is treated as a Continuous Spell Card while face-up on the field. During your Standby Phase you gain 500 Life Points for each "Ember Token" you control. “Now I attack your creatures! Attack, my Bunkre and Irith!” Both the winged man with claws and the flaming woman with a mask went forward, Irith to Jimatukame and Bunkre to Ponikame. The damage was powerful, shaking the foundations of the building even more. Trey: 7300, 6Alan: 800, 3 “I place one card face-down and end my turn,” Trey said. Trey was winning. He always did, and it was always with a large gap. There was no way that anyone could destroy the power of the Discharge Monsters. It was just surprising that he had to tap into the full potential of the deck, more so than he usually does. He never had to use the power of the crystals before… Alan drew his card. He didn’t seem to have anything left to do. He had seven Dark Emanaters in his Graveyard, but he didn’t have anything on the field. Everything relied on his hand of four cards. Did he have something to pull himself out of the rut? “Oh, I almost forgot. During the End Phase my monster’s ATK bonus subsides, bringing its ATK back down to 2400.” ‘Well, that is better at least. But what else can I do?’ Alan looked at the cards in his hand. He had two monsters, a level 7 and a level 2, and two Spell Cards. He could very well use both of those Spell Cards in a combo to get field advantage, but he couldn’t get a powerful enough army. He needed something else… He decided to use the Level 2 monster to get it. “During my Standby Phase I will activate the Special Ability of my Dark Emanater – Gargojii! By revealing him to you, I will draw 1 and discard 1 from my hand.” Alan touched the top of his deck and wished that it would be good to him. Over his life time he had never asked for much, but in this one moment he decided to implore the deliverers of fate to grant him the card he needed. He needed just one card. Only one. He wanted to prove to this prick that he was different from everyone else. He also wanted to defeat Trey out of revenge. But the most motivating force behind Alan at the moment was his intense desire to knock Trey off of his high horse. Alan drew his card and for a moment he didn’t dare look at it. He closed his eyes and placed the card in front of his face, waiting for the correct time to reveal it to himself. He opened his eyes, seeing what destiny gave to him. Destiny was great. With a grin, Alan sent the card he just drew to the Graveyard for the cost of his monster’s effect. “I send the card I just drew as the ending effect of my monster, and that will trigger its effect! When my Dark Emanater – Lorunenji is sent to the Graveyard I can activate one of his effects depending on the number of Dark Emanaters in my Graveyard! Since there are now eight of them in my Grave, I can activate his level 4 effect, making it so that I can Special Summon him and a level 3 or lower monster in my hand!” The monster from his Graveyard appeared, a semi-robotic monster wearing a cape and brandishing a staff appeared from the darkness that appeared spontaneously. 2500/0/LV7 [spoiler=Card Info]Dark Emanater - Lorunenji•••••••DARKFiend/Effect2500/0 When this card is sent to the Graveyard, activate 1 of the following effects based on the amount of "Dark Emanater" Monsters in your Graveyard: •1: Send the top card of your Deck to the Graveyard and draw 1 card. •2 or more: Special Summon this card in your Graveyard, this card's original ATK becomes 1900. •3 or more: Remove from play this card in your Graveyard to destroy 1 card on the field. •4 or more: Special Summon this card in your Graveyard and Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower "Dark Emanater" Monster from your hand. This card cannot attack during the turn you activate this effect. “Now that I have Summoned him using his level 4 ability I can Special Summon my Level 2 Gargojii from my hand!” Alan took the revealed card in his hand and placed it on the field. A tiny fiend appeared on the field next to the dark lord right next to him. He fidgeted like he didn’t belong there, and in sooth he really didn’t. His place was the hand; this is not where he reigned supreme. 1300/0/LV2 To see this card, go to: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-112767.html “And now that I have two Dark Emanaters, I will release both of them to Special Summon my Dark Emanater – Nijenutuki in Attack Mode!” The two monsters in front of Alan exploded from the inside out in the most silent explosion that anyone could ever witness. One moment they were both whole, but in the next they were transformed into clouds of smoke. Those clouds formed together, creating a whirling energy ball in the air. This energy was transferred into the new creature, a Level 7 monster. It was a man with horns and a bare chest, consumed in the darkness energy. 2700/0/LV7 [spoiler=Card Info]Dark Emanater – Nijenutuki•••••••DARKFiend/Effect2700/0 This card can be Special Summoned from your hand by releasing 2 "Dark Emanater" Monsters you control. When this card attacks, activate 1 of the following effects based on the amount of "Dark Emanater" Monsters in your Graveyard. • 1 or more: your opponent discards 1 card from their hand. • 2 or more: if this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, inflict damage to your opponent equal to the level of the destroyed monster x300. • 3 or more: Your opponent cannot activate Spell or Trap Cards until the end of the Damage Step. • 4 or more: You can halve the ATK of this card to attack directly this turn. “Since my Dark Emanater – Lorunenji was sent to the Graveyard by this effect his effect is activated once more! Now I can Special Summon him again with only 1900 ATK!” The second ability of the Dark Emanater with a cape activated, allowing him to come back once more. This was his ultimate ability, to be continuously revived. Thus, he was limited to one copy for this use. 2500/0/LV7 Lorunenji- ATK: 2500~1900 “Now I activate the Spell Card Dark Matter Conscription! Since I have a Level 7 Dark Emanater on my side of the field, I can Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower Dark Emanater from my Deck, and I choose a second copy of my Ponikame!” In a flash of black light another monster appeared on the field, the same tiny man with the staff and long hair. 900/0/LV2. “Now I activate his effect, so I remove 1 of my nine monsters in my Graveyard from play to increase the ATK of my Nijenutuki! And at the same time I will remove my Gargojii in my Graveyard from play to increase the Level of my Ponikame by 1, alongside his ATK for 700.” Nijenutuki- ATK: 2700+(100*7)~3400Ponikame- ATK: 900~1600 – LV: 2~3 “And I will activate the final card in my hand, an Equip Spell Card called Amulet of Dark Contract. This will release my Ponikame and Special Summon 1 Dark Emanater Monster with a Level that is less than or equal to double its level, meaning that I can Special Summon a Level 6 or lower Dark Emanater. So I Special Summon my Dark Emanater – Jimatukame from my Graveyard!” The same monster from the turn before arose once again, revealing the man with long, red hair that is shrouded in darkness. 2000/0/LV5 “Now that he was Special Summoned from the Graveyard, his Special Ability is activated! This means that he gains ATK equal to the number of Dark Emanaters in my Graveyard times 100, just like Ponikame’s effect.” Alan watched as his second monster gained 700 ATK just like Nijenutuki did. Jimatukame- ATK: 2000+(100*7)~2700 At that moment Kal stood straight up. He heard the sirens coming closer. Alan turned to look at Kal, “Are the coming?” “Duh, they are coming. But they are getting closer, and I can tell that there is at least five…” “What can we do?” Talia asked him, looking very sad. “We sure as hell aren’t leaving,” Trey said, “This is the best duel I have had in ages.” “Thank you,” Alan responded. “Guys, no time for the dueling gratitude or feelings of danger, we need to do something,” Geoff said impatiently. “Well, I have an idea, I will be back.” Kal walked over to the far wall, behind the single chair. He placed his hands on the wall and started to concentrate. The wall started to glow, and then it started to dissolve into a bunch of sparkling particles. The particles descended and started to reform at floor level, forming into a balcony of sorts. It was really a glorified plank that was generated out of nowhere. Well, not out of nowhere. It was transmuted, out of the wall that Kal just touched. “Believe in magic yet?” Alan asked Trey, who stood staring dumbfounded at the wall. Kal walked out onto the balcony and jumped into the air. Somehow he was able to fly straight up and out of sight. He didn’t jump off, he didn’t jump to the side, and he didn’t fall. He just jumped up and away. Trey tried concentrating on the duel ahead, the one where he was about to feel the hurt. Present Day: Tower Façade Kal walked out onto the plank and turned around to face the building. He jumped into the air, allowing his Cyborg body to carry him up and away. He ascended a good twenty floors before flying over the top of the building. He twisted in the air to make himself be over the roof level, and then he landed on his feet in a cat-stance. He looked forward and found just what he was hoping was there: a satellite tower. With his technological no-how from the Cyborg change he could change the signal from any of the outgoing receivers and send it to anything he so chose. He just needed one that was outgoing. He ran over to the tower and started to climb, finding a dish near the top that would suit his need. He pressed his hand to it, allowing the cells in his fingertips to send a signal from his brain into the dish construct. In a matter of moments he was able to take over the signal temporarily and redirect it to the DPF officers’ helmet receptors. Now what would he send? He had nothing pre-recorded that would be healthy. He had say something off the top of his head. He took a deep breath, out of habit, and then started, “All officers en route to Zymatex Corp on the report of a loud shaking please report back to base.” “What? Why?” Kal heard come back to him via the radio transmitter. “I repeat, all officers en route to Zymatex Corp to inspect a large shake please report back to base. The situation has been resolved.” “Roger, HQ,” Kal heard. From using his enhanced hearing abilities he heard the officer command his troops to return to base, and then heard the gears of their D-Wheels turn around and head in the opposite direction. They were just three blocks from the building when they turned around. Kal sighed, again from habit, and he returned the dish to reporting normal signal. He climbed down the tower and hopped off the building toward the plank he had made. He landed on his feet lightly and barrel rolled into the room again. He stood up and pressed his hands to the wall, transmuting the plank into a wall once more. Kal turned around and saw that the duel had turned entirely around. The field had completely turned around. When he left Alan had three monsters on the field that could slaughter Trey’s field. But this time he saw that Trey still had his masked woman on the field, whereas Alan had lost the man with the red hair and the lord with the cape. There were strange new things on the playing field as well: Trey had two sets of some sort of crystal in front of him. “What the hell did I miss?” Kal asked. Talia just looked at him, “Something awesome.” A Few Minutes Earlier Alan was prepared for the strike. He controlled three monsters with ATKs of 3400, 2700, and 1900. Trey controlled two monsters, and their ATKs are 2500 and 2400. While he controlled one face-down, Alan had no feeling of threat on it. Alan was usually correct about those feelings, but he had been wrong several times this duel. He decided to trust his gut one more time and hopefully it would follow through. “I attack your Bunkre with my Nijenutuki! Go!” Alan said excitedly. The man with the horns went to attack the woman with the mask and flaming hair. On the surface it looked like any other attack that would go through, 3400ATK for Nijenutuki and 2500 for Bunkre. It was apparent that Bunkre would lose, right? Wrong. “I activate the Special Ability of my Bunkre! By sending her back to the Extra Deck, I can create a Pyre Crystal and gain 1000 Life Points!” Before the Dark Emanater could touch the Discharge Synchro the woman in the mask started to glow. Her energy was threatening. The light started to glow so powerfully that Nijenutuki stopped dead in his tracks, not wishing to go any farther and risk the attack. Bunkre was suddenly gone, leaving behind an aura of gold light. This energy moved backward and condensed into a set of power crystals. All they did was glow. Nothing more, nothing less. Trey’s Life Points also increased by 1000. Trey: 8300, 5Alan: 800, 0 “Well now, a replay occurs. Thanks to your monster’s effect I am allowed to switch my monster’s attack to your Irith instead!” Nijenutuki, while being in the middle of the field, turned its attention to the other monster on the field, the man with the wings and threatening claws. He grinned an evil smirk and walked over to the Discharge monster. She released a small amount of a dark substance at the man with wings, and as soon as it touched him Irith started to fold in on itself. In a silent event, all of the Discharge Monster was gone. Only its essence remained. “Since you destroyed my Discharge Monster I get to create another Pyre Crystal in my Spell and Trap Card Zone, by the effect of my Field Spell,” Trey explained. “Whatever, you still take damage from the attack. That is 1000 there. And due to my monster’s effect you take damage equal to its level times 300, meaning that you take another 1800 damage. Total so far that you have taken it 2800.” “Fine by me.” Trey: 5500, 5Alan: 800, 0 “Now my other two monsters will attack you for a total of 4600 damage extra!” Alan exclaimed. In two more attacks Alan bridged the gap between the two of them in Life, bringing Trey down to 900. Trey: 900, 5Alan: 800, 0 “You done?” Trey asked. He seemed ticked. Lucky for Alan that face-down card wasn’t anything to worry about. “Almost. The effect of my Amulet gives me a maintenance cost of 1 discard per End Phase, and since that is not possible my Jimatukame is destroyed. This leaves me with my Nijenutuki and Lorunenji. Nijenutuki’s ATK returns back to 2700 as well, since the effect of my Ponikame wears off.” The amulet that the man with red hair was wearing glowed bright yellow. Nothing was there to stop the light from glowing brighter and more powerful, nothing was there to stop the power from consuming the man. In an instant he was gone in a flash of light. At the same time the darkness surrounding the man with horns started to fade a little as his ATK decreased by 700. “Now my turn ends.” “Left himself in a tight spot,” Geoff told Talia, “Saying he has 800 Life and no cards to protect himself either in his hand or on the field.” All Talia did was nod. Trey drew another card, increasing the hand size of his to 6. He was reveling in his hand size again. “During my Standby Phase I gain 1000 Life Points for controlling two of these Pyre Crystals by the effect of my Field Spell,” Trey said. The Crystals started to glow and they sent a wave of energy into him, and they invigorated his Life Points accordingly. Trey: 1900, 6Alan: 800, 0 “I activate my face-down, Ember Recovery!” Trey said as the card opened up, “Now I can send 3 Discharge Monsters from my Graveyard to my Deck and add 3 Ember Tokens to it.” Trey took 3 cards out of his Graveyard slot and stuck them back in the slot. His Deck slot then auto-shuffled his Deck. “Next I will Summon my Emkre the Discharge Marauder in Attack Mode!” Trey placed the Level 4 monster on the field, adding another card to the two Tokens, Continuous Trap Card, and the Field Spell Card that he controlled. The monster arose in an aura of flames and orange energy, leaving an odd man that was separated at the waist by an orb of fiery energy and who wore a strange headdress on the field in front of him. 1800/1500/LV4 [spoiler=Card Info]Emkre the Discharge Marauder••••FIREFiend/Effect1800/1500 When you draw a card(s) you take 800 damage. When a "Discharge" monster(s) is send from your Deck to the Graveyard, you can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Discharge" Monster from your Graveyard. Then you can reduce the Level of that monster by 2 to Special Summon 1 "Ember Token" (Rock-Type / FIRE / Level 2 / ATK 600 / DEF 600) in your Spell and Trap Card Zones. An "Ember Token" is treated as a Continuous Spell Card while face-up on the field. You can Tribute 1 "Ember Token" you control to negate the activation of a Spell Card, Trap Card, or Effect Monster's effect that would destroy a "Discharge" card(s) on the field, and destroy that card. “Now I activate the next effect of my Ember Recovery. This allows me to remove 2 of the 3 counters from the card itself to draw a card, and then send the top two cards of my Deck to the Graveyard.” Trey did so, adding another card to his hand and then sending two cards to the Graveyard from the top of his Deck pile. “And look what was sent! 1 monster and 1 spell. This activates the ability of my Emkre! Since a Discharge Monster was sent to the Graveyard from my Deck, I can Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower Discharge Monster from my Graveyard, and I select my Cobun Tuner Monster!” The man with the headdress started to glow, sending its energy into the space right beside it. Suddenly a fallen friend appeared right next to the new monster, the charred man with the staff on wolf back. 800/1100/LV2 “And now that I have a Tuner and a non-Tuner monster, I can use them both in a Synchro Summon for the Bunkre that I sent back to my Extra Deck last turn!” The man jumped off the wolf back once again and turned into two rings. They wrapped around the man with the headdress as he turned into four white orbs. The rings and the orbs descended upon each other into an orb of light, transforming into the woman with the mask and the fiery hair. 2500/1900/LV6 “And when she is Synchro Summoned I can add one Discharge Card in my Deck to my hand, so I add a Monster…” “Now I will use my monster to attack your Lorunenji, bringing you closer and closer to destruction!” Trey: 1900, 7Alan: 200, 0 ‘I would activate the ability to destroy his monster with Lorunenji’s ability, but if I did then he might have a trump card waiting in his amazing 7 card hand. So I will activate his first ability, a draw effect,” Alan thought. “When you sent my Lorunenji to the Graveyard you activated his ability! Now, you probably thought that I would activate his destruction ability, or his Special Summoning ability, right?” Trey stared at him, as if saying ‘get on with it.’ “Well, I am sorry to inform you that I won’t be using either of those abilities right now, I will be using his last ability! I will send the top card of my Deck to the Graveyard to Draw 1 card!” Alan said as he self milled himself. He picked up the card from his deck as it suddenly dawned on him what had just happened. “What the hell did I miss?” Kal said. He had appeared from out of nowhere. “Something amazing,” Talia said quickly, ushering him to a seat right next to her. Alan looked over at Kal, thinking about the last few moments of the duel. Kal focused for a moment, then paused and said, “Right on, then.” Trey looked over at the two of them, “What is going on?” he demanded. Alan turned back to him, “I am sorry to let you know this, but I have this won.” Trey stared at him, “How do you figure that?” “The card I just sent to the Graveyard, its name is Kokometu. When it is sent to the Graveyard by the effect of a Dark Emanater I can activate one of its effects… One effect is to deal you damage equal to the number of Dark Emanaters in my Graveyard times 300…” Trey’s eyes grew wide, “How many are in there…?” “I only need seven in my Graveyard to end this, and as of right now, I have ten.” Trey’s heart sank. He lost, for the first time in months he had lost a duel. For the first time in hundreds of duels he had lost. And to a man claiming to be magic, no less. “I activate the Special Ability of my Kokometu! This deals to you 3000 points of direct damage!” The darkness filled the room, sending a wave of pain over to Trey. He was damaged, taking away all of his Life Points that remained. Trey: 0, 7Alan: 200, 0 Kal perked his head once again, listening for the sirens. “I believe they are coming back,” Kal said. “Well then, we must go,” Geoff said. “No, not yet. I promised you an explanation, Trey. I promised you that I would show you why we are all here today, and I was intending on all of us to get acquainted first but it seems like we don’t have much time before we need to get out of this place.” Kal walked over to Trey, reaching into his coat pocket as Alan took the duel disk off of his arm. Trey took his cards off, slightly freaking out that they were almost out of his arm’s length. “I want you to extend your hand,” Kal said. Trey did, reluctantly but he still did. Kal took his hand out of his pocket and placed some small, oddly shaped object into his hand. Trey looked at it; it was a rock. “What the hell is this for?” Trey asked. Meanwhile everyone in the room was busy picking up important things and stuffing them into bags that they were picking up from all around the room. Strangely enough, everything they were stuffing in these bags had to weigh a ton all together, and no matter how much they put in a bag the container never got full. “That is what I believe to be your stone.” “My stone? What would I need a stone for?” “Several thousand years ago, five thousand to be correct, there was a group of five people that had special powers over our world and the monster world,” Kal begun. “Not this crap again…” Trey interjected. “It is true, every word,” Kal rebuked, “And those five people had special monsters of their own. Normally the shadow duelists would use special tablets that released the power of a captured monster from the realm of the duel monster spirits, but these five had a special item: their stones. “With the power of the stone all five ancients created their own beast with powers that helped them win every duel, no matter what was going on at the time. And this stone I believe to be yours, not only for your powers of magic that you possess, not only for the power in the cards you use, not only for the drive that you have, but because it is a birthright that has descended through your blood line.” “Yeah, sure,” Trey said. He did not believe a word this man said. Kal Iszarc must have gotten crazy in his old age… “If you don’t believe me, then there is one way to prove me wrong.” “How?” Trey asked. He was almost desperate to leave this place and continue the search for what he was missing. “Squeeze your hand with the stone inside and concentrate on feeding all your power to it.” “You have got to be joking…” Trey said. “Just try it.” Trey started at Kal for a long moment, almost having a staring contest with him. Kal never blinked, his eyes didn’t even seem to move. Trey’s eyes started to water. “Fine.” Trey squeezed as hard as he could on that rock. He was pissed. He was tired of all the walking around doing essentially nothing while the one thing he wanted was still missing. Through this irritation he got angry. He got so angry that he began to shake. Or rather, he began to vibrate. His eyes started to glow red, his body began to tense up. Power started to flow through him like he had never felt before, and it was all being diverted to his hand. The stone was like a sponge, it took it all. It took all of the power that Trey was fueling it, and yet it still wanted more and more. Trey pushed his power, seeing how much he could actually send out. The stone kept pace. Soon Trey’s eyes were so bright that they illuminated his face. His skin had a red aura around it, and his muscles were being contorted in a way that he had never tried before. All of his energy was being sent to this stone. And the stone started to heat up. It even started to glow itself, vibrating and illuminating itself. “Let go of it now,” Kal said. Trey did as instructed, not even caring anymore that he was being commanded by the man whom he hated. When he released the stone from his powerful grasp he felt weak, like he cut himself off from his AC adapter. The stone rose into the air, and it was glowing with a power that Trey could not describe. It was so powerful that it distracted the other three, slowing down their quest for immediate departure. The stone cracked. It had a jagged edge down one side that just suddenly appeared, spilling white light from the inside out. It cracked once more, allowing more light to spill. The cracks grew more frequent, and they multiplied. Soon the entire stone was barely intact. The entire shell broke into pieces leaving only the white orb behind. The light morphed into a thin, rectangular object right at Trey’s eye level. It was still glowing brightly, but the light started to fade. There was something inside the light, something inside the case of illumination. “Take it,” Kal said, “It’s yours.” Trey reached up and grabbed what was in front of him. A Duel Monster Card was just created right in front of his eyes. Next Time on Yu-Gi-Oh! TC… Trey: What just happened? Kal: Do you still not believe in magic? Trey: What type of magic is this? Kal: One from an ancient civilization, one from thousands of years ago. Trey: What does that have to do with me? Talia: You are with us. You are the fifth. Trey: You all have cards like these? Geoff: We have been told not to use them in normal play. Trey: Uh-huh.. Alan: if I were allowed to use my ultimate beast I would have slaughtered you sooner. Trey: Keep telling yourself that, you won from luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aelsthla-Mental Posted May 25, 2009 Report Share Posted May 25, 2009 He was forced to steel and cheat the system at every turn. wrong 'steal' He had nothing pre-recorded that would be healthy. Nothing wrong with it, just thought it was a rather humorous line, good job! Anyway, an interesting ending. I am interested in both what the card is, and who they are meant to use it against. On a side-note. I was rather surprised that after the long wait for the last chapter, you suddenly release another so soon :O. Anyway, pretty awesome, makes me want to know all the more of what is going on, and I wish you luck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 25, 2009 'Aelsthla-Mental said: He was forced to steel and cheat the system at every turn. wrong 'steal' He had nothing pre-recorded that would be healthy. Nothing wrong with it' date=' just thought it was a rather humorous line, good job! Anyway, an interesting ending. I am interested in both what the card is, and who they are meant to use it against. On a side-note. I was rather surprised that after the long wait for the last chapter, you suddenly release another so soon :O. Anyway, pretty awesome, makes me want to know all the more of what is going on, and I wish you luck![/quote'] those are those few errors that i get when i get caught up in the moment. ;) thanks for reading so fast! :O i didnt know i would have a reader so quickly.. :D i told you that i would have more time now that school was winding down.. i have really nothing else to do. I have tons more time now that i am on vacation too.. :) would you believe that i wrote all of that in a 12 hour window? it took forever, this one.. thank you for reading so fast. :D i hoped that i would rope you in with something to look forward too. ;) i have a rough idea of what the cards should be that the stones create, but i have nothing ironed out. i need to do that before the next chapter. ;) i had to be honest. :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aelsthla-Mental Posted May 25, 2009 Report Share Posted May 25, 2009 Good to know! I'm a bit of a speed reader to be honest, fast but I usually miss little details. So I usually read them a few times. Got me thinking if there was perhaps any forshadowing I missed... Hmm... Brooke could be important later, I'll keep that name in mind. And... well, the whole five thousand years ago. That would probably leave it close to the original Yu-Gi-Oh thing. Give or take a few hundred years. And yeah, being honest is good :). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 25, 2009 'Aelsthla-Mental said: Good to know! I'm a bit of a speed reader to be honest' date=' fast but I usually miss little details. So I usually read them a few times. Got me thinking if there was perhaps any forshadowing I missed... Hmm... Brooke could be important later, I'll keep that name in mind. And... well, the whole five thousand years ago. That would probably leave it close to the original Yu-Gi-Oh thing. Give or take a few hundred years. And yeah, being honest is good :).[/quote'] you always edge upon the way that i am thinking of making the fic go.. i will leave my response as that. read into it as much as you like. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EliminateHRN Posted May 25, 2009 Report Share Posted May 25, 2009 I like this chapter. I really wasn't expecting Trey to lose, but you can't always win. I'm interested to see what the card was. I can't wait to see the next chapter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Καsτοr Posted May 25, 2009 Report Share Posted May 25, 2009 The first third of the chapter was hardcore with info. Then the duel, man, that was intense. Good Job. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 25, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 25, 2009 'TwilightAvian said: I like this chapter. I really wasn't expecting Trey to lose' date=' but you can't always win. I'm interested to see what the card was. I can't wait to see the next chapter.[/quote'] im interested in what it will be too. ;) thanks for reading! 'Καsτοr said: The first third of the chapter was hardcore with info. Then the duel' date=' man, that was intense. Good Job.[/font'] thank you very much! i tried to do a whole lot better with this chapter. ;) did it work? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 Only 3 people have read it so far? Weird.. :D well, I did catch you all off guard with a chapter so fast.. Bump, so it doesn't go unnoticed. Plus: this fan fic now has 25,258 words, meaning I applied for sticky. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aelsthla-Mental Posted May 26, 2009 Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 That's great! If you manage to get it stickied, you (probably) won't have to bump it, and more people will notice! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 26, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 26, 2009 'Aelsthla-Mental said: That's great! If you manage to get it stickied' date=' you (probably) won't have to bump it, and more people will notice![/quote'] true, that is what i am banking on.. i dont think that anyone else has quite so much of an original storyline, complete with their own custom card sets to use.. im not sure, i havent been scopin' the field, but i am quite sure that no one else does that. so... why no more readers? no idea... but its irritating.. i posted the request when Umbra was online, but then he promptly logged off and has not been on since.. -.- i hope he gets back on soon.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BulletMan Posted May 27, 2009 Report Share Posted May 27, 2009 Wow. I was really interested in the last part of the chapter. Now thats the stuff I'm looking for in a Fan Fic! ;) Can't wait for the next one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 28, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 28, 2009 Quote Wow. I was really interested in the last part of the chapter. Now thats the stuff I'm looking for in a Fan Fic! ;) Can't wait for the next one. thanks! i really tried to add something to this one that would keep you guys interested in the fic. ;) just wait, i think i outdid myself with the idea i have for the rest of the season. :D just you wait for the first section of Chapter 6.. Schweet! thank you very much, Umbra, i appreciate the acceptance to sticky request. ;) maybe now i will get more views? Who knows.. at least i wont have to bump it anymore.. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Beast 123 Posted May 28, 2009 Report Share Posted May 28, 2009 Yay! TC is stickied!! Anyway, great chapter! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 28, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 28, 2009 'Crystal Beast 123 said: Yay! TC is stickied!! Anyway' date=' great chapter![/quote'] thank you very much! working on Chapter 6 already, as a matter of fact. ;) i bet you are going to like it... :D and im happy this thread is stickied too. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Posted May 29, 2009 Report Share Posted May 29, 2009 I can see why this is stickied!Great work, Kale!I'm hooked, and I have to say, my favorite character is Kal (He's sooo cool!) =)Is English your first language? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 29, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 29, 2009 'DuelOnX said: I can see why this is stickied!Great work' date=' Kale!I'm hooked, and I have to say, my favorite character is Kal (He's sooo cool!) =)Is English your first language?[/quote'] Kal is my favorite too! :D I wrote about him first.. Though you might start liking Alan more when you see what he can do.. :) I'm glad you're hooked! Want a subscription? ....yeah, English is my first language. If you are wondering about tiny errors, it's because I have to write in small amounts of time, so I'm rushed. :) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Silver Posted May 29, 2009 Report Share Posted May 29, 2009 'Kale said: Quote I can see why this is stickied!Great work' date=' Kale!I'm hooked, and I have to say, my favorite character is Kal (He's sooo cool!) =)Is English your first language?[/quote'] Kal is my favorite too! :D I wrote about him first.. Though you might start liking Alan more when you see what he can do.. :) I'm glad you're hooked! Want a subscription? ....yeah, English is my first language. If you are wondering about tiny errors, it's because I have to write in small amounts of time, so I'm rushed. :) Dude, I would LOVE a subscription!Thanks!I cant wait to see what Alan can doI'll stay tuned ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sironthemage Posted May 29, 2009 Report Share Posted May 29, 2009 Here is my Character!!! Name: Kanon Age: 16 Description:(Below) Bio: Similar to Kale: has myth cards (cards that were made but were never released) Attended duel Academy. Had a bad childhood(Everyone feared him because of his mysterious powers. Also very nice and might be related to Kale (If this is okay with you). Extra: When he gets angry during a duel, the duel turns into a shadow duel. Deck: Cyberneticfiends (still creating)Can this be be his key card? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Corinthian Posted May 30, 2009 Report Share Posted May 30, 2009 Quick question, Kale. The town Aequitas is latin for freedom, is their any reason for that? Just wondering. Oh, and I enjoyed the new chapter, dispite the numerious, yet minor, grammer and spelling errors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted May 30, 2009 Author Report Share Posted May 30, 2009 'DuelOnX said: Quote Quote I can see why this is stickied!Great work' date=' Kale!I'm hooked, and I have to say, my favorite character is Kal (He's sooo cool!) =)Is English your first language?[/quote'] Kal is my favorite too! :D I wrote about him first.. Though you might start liking Alan more when you see what he can do.. :) I'm glad you're hooked! Want a subscription? ....yeah, English is my first language. If you are wondering about tiny errors, it's because I have to write in small amounts of time, so I'm rushed. :) Dude, I would LOVE a subscription!Thanks!I cant wait to see what Alan can doI'll stay tuned ;) added to the Sub list. ;) 'sironthemage said: Here is my Character!!! Name: Kanon Age: 16 Description:(Below) Bio: Similar to Kale: has myth cards (cards that were made but were never released) Attended duel Academy. Had a bad childhood(Everyone feared him because of his mysterious powers. Also very nice and might be related to Kale (If this is okay with you). Extra: When he gets angry during a duel' date=' the duel turns into a shadow duel. Deck: Also has Ally cards (If this is okay with you) Oh! And could you also use my Signer Dragon in my Sig?[/quote'] sorry, i need originality.. a character already uses the Ally monsters, so they cant be used again.. :| 'Corinthian said: Quick question' date=' Kale. The town Aequitas is latin for freedom, is their any reason for that? Just wondering. Oh, and I enjoyed the new chapter, dispite the numerious, yet minor, grammer and spelling errors.[/quote'] yes, there is. ;) i used that name and wondered just how long it would take before someone would figure out what it actually stood for.. XD thank you for reading, and i am working on the errors. i dont have much time to write this, you know. ;) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sironthemage Posted June 1, 2009 Report Share Posted June 1, 2009 Ok then.... How about this!!! :) Here is my Character!!! Name: Kanon Age: 16 Description:(Same pic from before) Bio: Similar to Kale: has myth cards (cards that were made but were never released) Attended duel Academy. Had a bad childhood(Everyone feared him because of his mysterious powers. Also very nice and might be related to Kale (If this is okay with you). Extra: When he gets angry during a duel, the duel turns into a shadow duel. Deck: Cyberneticfiends (still creating. I'll update later)http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-124250.htmlCan this be be his key card? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Crystal Beast 123 Posted June 1, 2009 Report Share Posted June 1, 2009 Great New Chapter!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kale Posted June 2, 2009 Author Report Share Posted June 2, 2009 'sironthemage said: Ok then.... How about this!!! :) Here is my Character!!! Name: Kanon Age: 16 Description:(Same pic from before) Bio: Similar to Kale: has myth cards (cards that were made but were never released) Attended duel Academy. Had a bad childhood(Everyone feared him because of his mysterious powers. Also very nice and might be related to Kale (If this is okay with you). Extra: When he gets angry during a duel' date=' the duel turns into a shadow duel. Deck: Cyberneticfiends (still creating. I'll update later)http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-124250.htmlCan this be be his key card?[img']http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/9968/104059.jpg[/img] i will decide once i see the cards. though please PM them to me, thanks. ;) Quote Great New Chapter!! thank you! :D i appreciate it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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