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⌈Yu-Gi-Oh! TC⌋ Updated Front Page.


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Sad that Lance had to die. It was probably forseen. The question remains why Lance had to die. AOJ cards were awesome. And it was a great duel in general. Though, Lance has a multi- themed Deck, Unions and AOJ's to boot. Then, there are a whole bunch of other themes. As everyone so far has said, Awesome. . . chapter!!!


And, Mr.Kal's past is dark and mysterious, and, it seems kinda murderous and knife-ey.


Can't wait for the next chapter.

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Thanks for noticing the few minor things. ;) yeah, there is a reason for all of those, including his past, and why Lance had to die. Kal's murderous ways could probably be guessed though..


I'm glad you liked the chapter! Wow, I didn't know AOJs would be such a hit! :)


thanks for reading!

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Yeah' date=' as you know I really want mine in, do you want me to post the app again ;)



yes, if you wouldnt mind. ;) did you read chapter 10? not to sound pushy, im just curious... :D


Yes I did, it was awsome! :D



[1]: Card



[spoiler=Card Lore]

This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. When succsessfuly summoned' date=' if there are Trap and Spell Cards on your opponents side of the field, you may draw a new hand, if your new hand contains more Trap and Spell Cards then monster cards you may destroy all the Trap and Spell Cards on your opponents side of the field. But if your new hand contains more monster cards then Trap and Spell Cards this card is returned to your hand. This card cannot be destroyed by Trap and Spell Cards.








The Deck is as followed.




Blackheart, Dragon Of Dark.





Lore: This card cannot be Special Summoned or Set. When summoned sucsessfully, your opponent must show you there Hand. If there Hand contains 1 or more DARK monsters then quarter of this cards Atk Points is taken away from your opponents Life Points. This card cannot be destroyed by Card Effects.




Red Eyes B. Chick

Red Eyes B. Dragon

Red Eyes Darkness Dragon


Element Solider

Levia-Dragon - Daedalus

Diablo The Blood Knight

Cliff The Trap Remover

Mefist The Infernal General

Dark Catapulter








Chaos Sorcerer

Barrier Statue Of The Abyss

Pitch-Black Wolf

Element Doom

Vampire Lord




Premature Burial


Magicians Charm






When this card is activated, send, from your Deck to your Graveyard Level 3 or higher Spellcaster-Type monsters, and select 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck. Special Summon 1 Spellcaster-Type monster from your Deck with the same Level as the selected monster during your 2nd Standby Phase after this cards activation. (This Special Summon is treated as a Normal Summon.) When this card is removed from the field, destroy the monster. When this card is destroyed, destroy the monster.





Dark Room Of Nightmare

Necklace Of Command

Shifting Shadows

Pot Of Greed

Dark Hole

Monster Reborn

Archfiends Oath

Dian Keto The Cure Master

Change Of Heart

Dark Factory Of Mass Production




Jar Of Greed

Cemetery Bomb X2

Cursed Seal Of The Forbidden Spell

Shattered Axe

Straight Flush

Trap Reclaimation

Two Pronged Attack

Extreme Mind Wipe







The Eye Of Truth



- The Deck Name Is Darkness Rising




Name: Kryton Corbinus

Age: 21

Personality: Dark, Twisted, Brainstrong.

Appearance: http://image02.webshots.com/2/7/73/41/42177341mIDkjC_ph.jpg

Bio: Kryton's Birthplace is Unknown, but we do know it was in a slum. His father beat him repeatedly for not doing as he was told, and this is what turned him into what he is now. His mother was more careing, but commited suicide when she could take no more. Kryton was devistated, he sat in his room for weeks cutting himself, and crying in anguish. Then one day his dad came into his room to see his window open, and his deck and duel disk gone. Kryton's current living place is unknown, but his actions are always heard about.


But there is more to Kryton then sees the eye. While he was a kid he gained a set of cards from his mom as a birthday present. They where: Samsazyu, Extreme Mind Wipe, Magicians Charm, Blackheart, Dragon Of Dark and Diablo the Blood Knight. And ever since he has kept a close bond with those cards, and they where the only things keeping him going.


It is also rumoured that he also was driven insane before he left not by his mothers death, but by his Girlfriends aswell. Her name was Lillian Wardon, Lily for short. She was comforting Kryton about his mothers death, and when she left she was nabbed down the street by some thugs; who rapped and killed her.


Outraged by this, Kryton hunted down these thugs and killed them. And it is also rumoured that Lily's soul is inside the Magicians Charm card. But only the people who duel him find out.


- This is the updated application.



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thank you for the repost of your character app, it will currently be the first for selection in the event of a new character addition. ;)


c'mon, peeps! i get over 200 views in the last 24 hours and only about three different people comment? weird..

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I'm surprised not many comment. This is great.


Also' date=' I'm still making a character, but most of his deck's gonna have to be written cards (if that's okay). I can't find any good images for these cards.


Anyway, I hope this next chapter is as good as this one.



That is perfectly okay. Aelsthla's deck was all written, and i worked around that. ;)


the next chapter wont be as good as this one though..


... itll be better! :O oh snap, i said it.

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thank you for the repost of your character app' date=' it will currently be the first for selection in the event of a new character addition. ;)


c'mon, peeps! i get over 200 views in the last 24 hours and only about three different people comment? weird..



Most viewers can't be asked to post, lazy *****.


And thanks, can't wait to see him if he gets in ;)

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thank you for the repost of your character app' date=' it will currently be the first for selection in the event of a new character addition. ;)


c'mon, peeps! i get over 200 views in the last 24 hours and only about three different people comment? weird..



Most viewers can't be asked to post, lazy *****.


And thanks, can't wait to see him if he gets in ;)


yeah.. i just wish that they would post so that i could get into the top ten fan fics that are commented on, instead of the top 20 where i am at now..


my old one, Edge of Justice, its in the top 7 i believe. ;)

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alrighty, i have no idea if you want a subscription or not.. :|


anywho, sorry to say this again, guys, but it seems like the chapter might be a week late once again. i need to make more cards for the next chapter, and they will be in the next set that i am making. and that set needs time for prep, such as the japanese ad and whatnot..

and i lost valuable time over the weekend when i went out of town, again. -.- so..


sorry guys. :( the wait will be worth it though. ;) trust me..

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It's fine...with me. As long as the next chapter will be better' date=' I'm fine.


I understand the Japanese needs time to set-up. I always wante to do japanese cards, but I'm to lazy to. Hope you get the next chapter up soon :D.



yeeeaaahhh.... it takes forever to do. but it looks hella impressive in the end, no? :D anywho, i will be setting up for the next pack and then the next chapter will come out sometime after that. ;) and it will be majorly exciting!

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i have actually been considering stopping the production on this fan fiction.


i may have a lot of success, but i have lost a little of my interest in this fic. i dont have a very good storyline, and a lot of the time i make it up as i go. as others have said i dont do very well with pacing the story, but i do awesome with the duels.


I love writing this, and if i have enough people that ask me to continue then i will. a lot of the reason why i want to stop writing this is because i dont think many people here appreciate it being written, and thus i am not in a big hurry to ever write anymore.


i used to have a lot of people comment on the chapters, but now my readers have dwindled. regardless of the number of subscription owners, the people who used to reply to the fic have just up and left. :(


i feel bad about this, because i had plans for Kal and his buddies, but it seems like too much effort and not a lot of pay off. :(


so, this fan fic is in question if i will continue it or not.


regardless, i have another idea for a fic. it is not Yugioh based... but i am sure it will be a hit. ;) hey, if Digimon and wrestling can make it, why cant this idea? :D


but for now, please post if you want this fic to continue. if i get -- i dont know -- 10 people to post that they have read this fic from beginning to end and they want to know what happens next for [input reason here] then i will still write what happens.


your friend,



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I wish for it to continue, simply because I wish to see the a satisfying ending. Edge of Justice got me on the edge of my seat (no pun intended), but then let me down when I got to the final chapter and found it was discontinued. Although I, or many others, don't comment, doesn't mean we don't read. Do it for the readers, and comments.

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I wish for it to continue' date=' simply because I wish to see the a satisfying ending. Edge of Justice got me on the edge of my seat (no pun intended), but then let me down when I got to the final chapter and found it was discontinued. Although I, or many others, don't comment, doesn't mean we don't read. Do it for the readers, and comments.



well, Edge of Justice was continued here... :D


anywho, i dont know who all reads the fic if i dont get any comments, and that is generally what has kept me going throughout the fic's existence. i write it so that i can express my creativity and you all getting a kick out of what you read. ;) but, how do i know that you read it? thats my problem.. :|


you're right, dont think im trying to disagree. ;)

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Well' date=' I can honestly tell you I read it, however I speak for myself. Perhaps ask them to reply to the PM once they are finished reading the chapter? Even if they are lying about reading it, at least they look at the PM, which is a step up.



yeah, that is true. And i thank you for reading the fic.. :D i really appreciate it.


i can tell that i have twenty people who look at the PMs that i send them, notifying them of the next chapter's release. but does it really take that much extra time to write a reply? :(

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I guess it doesn't. I dunno then.




its okay. ;)


i might still write this one, i now for a fact that Cyber Ice wants to have his character written in. :D he's been PMing me about it recently.


And you like it..


And Aelsthla..


But i dont know how many others. ;)


but i really do want to write another, so i might write two at once. :D

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