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⌈Yu-Gi-Oh! TC⌋ Updated Front Page.


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Thank you all for waiting.. I apologize for being so late. :| the chapter, sadly, isn't started. :(


I just updated Command Reverse. It has cards in there that will be used in the next chapter, so look out. ;) a link is in my sig for easy access.


Thank you all for staying tuned. I hope I can get this chapter out soon..

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  • I have changed the sizes of the chapter tags to 80x80 from how they were, 100x100. This will allow me to have up to 10 chapter links per line, making it look a whole lot more organized. plus it matches my avi, so there is continuity. ;)
  • I have been planning out the next two chapters in my head, and it looks like you all will like it. Things are starting to get heated up, and you will see that by the end of the next chapter.
  • Any Character Requests that have not been filled, please repost/rePM them to me if you really want them in the fic. two reasons for this:
    • I am too lazy to look for them. ;)
    • i want to know how many other potential characters i could add, and i want to choose from those who really want theirs added.


Future Plans - Chapter 10

  • chapter10redu.png
  • It shall be called Rev Battle of Past Alliance.
  • A past character that hasnt been mentioned in a while will make an appearance.
  • Cards from my recent update in Command Reverse will be used.

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  'Soul Legacy said:

Cool' date=' can't wait :)



well, you shouldnt have to wait long.. i have the idea set in my mind, and i should be working on it today and tomorrow, so it shouldnt be long before it is done. ;) i hope it was worth the wait to see exactly what happens in this chapter.


And, Soul Legacy, you seem to be becoming my number-One fan.. :D you havent been around here for that long, but you sure do comment the most. ;) i thank you for that.

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I almost forgot about this fic. D:


I haven't looked at Command Reverse yet, so I'll need to look at it. Just to find out what the new cards are :P. I might post/PM a character, I have a character idea that I was going to use for my fic, but it didn't go along with the story.


I hope you can get Chapter 10 out soon. It sounds like it gets good.

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  'TwilightAvian said:

I almost forgot about this fic. D:


I haven't looked at Command Reverse yet' date=' so I'll need to look at it. Just to find out what the new cards are :P. I might post/PM a character, I have a character idea that I was going to use for my fic, but it didn't go along with the story.


I hope you can get Chapter 10 out soon. It sounds like it gets good.



wow, i havent seen you in a while.. :D nice to have you back. i am working on the duel for chapter 10 as we speak, and i think you are going to like it. ;)


a new character app is appreciated. thanks! it might get in.


chapter 10 should be out by tomorrow. hopefully i can finish it. :D


if you want to see Command Reverse, just click the avi in my sig, the gold one with the guy with the odd hair. ;)

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For your Viewing Pleasure, just post back here, alrighty? Thankies for reading, everybody.


[spoiler=Chapter 10]

Chapter 10 - Rev Battle of Past Alliance


June 16, 2009, 6:44 AM – Succurro – Highway


“Who are you?” Kal asked the man though his headset. He turned to look back at his follower.


He looked ordinary enough, though he had never seen a D-Wheel quite like his. It looked custom, and it seemed very rudimentary. It was a pale silver color, the color of fresh steel, and it didn’t even have a shine. The strangest thing was that it had advanced censors and computing technology; Kal could sense it. It was like the rider took more time and effort into the dueling technology rather than the driving or physical aspect of the device.


The man wore a simple, grey jacket and a dark helmet. The visor was tinted; Kal couldn’t see his face.


“You should know me very well, Iszarc,” the man on the D-Wheel said, “Speed World 2, set on!”



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Next Time on Yu-Gi-Oh! TC!:


Chapter 11: Contaminated Power


Trey: Who the hell are you?


Guy: Duel me, and your questions will be answered.


Trey: I wont duel you!


Guy: But you must! And Divine Sanction wont save you!



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Decisive Arms. AOJs are sweet!

They finally came out with Catastor over here in the states!



Oh, really? :D I already knew about Catastor in the one duel terminal we have, it's not ever legal.. XD


I'm glad you liked the chapter. ;)

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Wow, great chapter Kale. I love the Allies of Justice; I'm happy they made an appearance in this fic.


So, he met Dark? And he's going to duel Fire? I think that's what I'm getting. I wonder what's going on with the elements.


Anyway, great chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter of this great fan-fic.

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  'TwilightAvian said:

Wow' date=' great chapter Kale. I love the Allies of Justice; I'm happy they made an appearance in this fic.


So, he met Dark? And he's going to duel Fire? I think that's what I'm getting. I wonder what's going on with the elements.


Anyway, great chapter. I can't wait for the next chapter of this great fan-fic.



yep, he met Dark. However, I never said anything about Kal dueling Fire. ;) just you wait..


The next chapter will be out within the week, but be watching for the new cards I will show soon. :D

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Gotcha. So, he's met Dark, but he might not duel Fire. Then, who is (that is, if somebody does duel Fire)? Trey, maybe? Or one of the other characters? I guess we'll wait and see.


Also, I still have an character idea if you still need one. I'm just making the character's cards.


I can't wait for the next chapter.

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  'Aelsthla-Mental said:

Must admit' date=' Lance was not someone i saw coming.


...And something funny is going on with water, was the first and now they almost seem to be saving them for last. What has changed, I wonder...


Anyway, good chapter.



im glad i caught you by surprise. ;) and i think you will understand why Water is being held off soon enough. :D


What did you think of Kal's past with Lance, or what happened to Lance at the end? :O


anywho, i cant wait to write the next chapter. :D this fan fic is getting warmed up. ;)

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