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Yu Gi Oh! Role Play: The Future Academy! Part 2 |Ended| |Lock, NAO!|

Chaotic Angel

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Crowler then took his turn and said: "Draw! I summon Ancient Gear Soldier and set two cards, turn end!" Constance then took her turn and said: "Draw--!" and got cut off. Ron appears, changes his Deck Recipe to "Golden Darkness" and decides to join in, he said: "Carry on, it's only me.." Constance then carried on and said: "Draw! I activate Heavy Storm and rid your field of Spells and Trap cards! I then summon Berserk Gorilla and destroy Ancient Gear Soldier with it! Turn end!"


Brandon & Constance & Ron: 16000


Crowler: 15300


Crowler then took his turn and said: "Draw! I set a monster and end my phase!" But then Ron took his turn and said: "Sorry, Crowler.. But you're going down! Draw! I use Monster Gate, tribute Berserk Gorilla for something else! ... ... ... Sora! 40638kn4.jpg I then set a card and make Sora attack you directly! Turn end!


Brandon & Constance & Ron: 16000


Crowler: 13400


Crowler then takes his turn and said: My turn! Draw! I summon another Ancient Gear Soldier and set a cards, I end my turn!"

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Brandon then took his turn. "My turn. I draw. i'll tribute my face down monster to summon Scrap Eagle. Now i activate Scrap Cannon (ATK: 2500). Now Eagle attack Ancient Gear Soldier. i'll set one card and end my turn."


Brandon, Constance, & Ron: 16000

Crowler: 12200


[spoiler= Scrap Eagle]

Scrap Eagle



Machine / Effect

Pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 2 "Eagle Egg Tokens" (WIND/Level 3/Machine-Type/0 ATK/0 DEF). You can tribute 1 token to Special Summon 1 Level 3 or Lower "Scrap" monster from your hand.

ATK/ 1900 DEF/ 1200




[spoiler= Scrap Cannon]

Scrap Cannon

Equip Spell

Equip only to a "Scrap" monster. The equipped monster gains 600 ATK. You can tribute the equipped monster to inflict damage equal half the ATK of the equipped monster.



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Crowler then took his turn and said: "My turn! Draw! I set a monster face down and end.. Where's my luck today..?" Constance then took her turn and said: "Draw! I activate Oblivion on Ron's Sora! 40638gz3.jpg Due to Sora's effect, it gains a further 700 ATK! (ATK: 3600) I then set a card and make Sora attack Crowler's face down! Turn end!" Crowler then took his turn and said: "Draw! I activate Ancient Gear Castle and set another monster face down! I end my turn! Ron then took his turn and said: "You're done for, my turn! I use Constance's Raigeki Break to rid the face down monster you got. I then use Sora to attack Crowler directly! I then activate Ultima Weapon on Sora 40638oa9.jpg and place a card face down! I end my turn!" (ATK: 5200)


Brandon & Constance & Ron: 16000


Crowler: 8600


Crowler then took his turn and said: "Draw! I use Heavy Storm--" Ron then stopped Crowler and then said: "Magic Jammer! Activate! I say goodbye to one of my cards (Sangan) and negate Heavy Storm!" Crowler then carries on and said: "I set a monster and end.."

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Brandon took his turn. "My turn. I draw. i'll activate Junk Castle. now i'll summon Scrap Knight in attack position. Now Eagle attack Crowler's face down. And Scrap Knight attack him directly. i'll set one card and end my turn."


Brandon, Constance, and Ron: 16000

Crowler: 7800


[spoiler= Junk Castle]

Junk Castle

Field Spell

When a monster is summoned, place 1 Junk Counter on this card. Remove 2 Junk Counters to Special Summon 1 "Scrap Guard" monster from your Deck, hand, or Graveyard.




[spoiler= Scrap Knight]

Scrap Knight



Machine / Effect

By paying 600 Life Points, you can double the ATK of this card. During the End Phase of that turn, this card is removed from play.

ATK/ 800 DEF/ 1000



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Don: Alright, my move. It's a good thing I still have a few cards. I draw! I summon:



Star Level: 4

Attribute: Dark

Warrior / Effect

This card’s name is treated as both “Lunar-Werewolf-Shadow” and “Lunar-Wolf-Underworld” while it is face up on the field. This card cannot be removed from play if it is in ATK position on the field.

ATK/DEF: 1850/1300


I play 1 card face down. Next, I play the field spell:


Lunar Forest (Field Spell)

This card’s name is treated as “Wolf Forest-Canis Paradise” and cannot be destroyed as long as there is at least 1 “Lunar” card other than “Lunar Forest” on the field. Once, during your main phase, you can activate one of the following effects:

Return 1 out of play card back to the owners hand.

Gain 500 life points.

Return 1 card on your graveyard back to your deck. The deck it then shuffled.


I return my "Lunar Payback" back to my deck. I end my turn.



Life points: 5350

Hand 1 card

Spell/Trap: 1 face-down

Monsters: 1 Lunar-Ninja

Field: Lunar Forest.



OoC: I've figured out why these cards are so...unbalanced. I'm not gonna apply what I've figured out about thiese cards just yet, but I might later on in the duels.

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OoC: Just to remind people, you're allowed to use your partner's cards, if you like.


Crowler then took his turn and said: "Yes! Two counters! Draw!" Ron then said: "Stop! I reveal Solemn Wishes!" Then Crowler said: "I tribute Ancient Gear Castle to summon.. Ancient Gear Golem! I then attack Scrap Eagle and end!"


Brandon & Constance & Ron: 15500


Crowler: 7800


Constance then took her turn and said: Draw! I activate what Ron gave me when I was a kid.. Doll Making Machine! 40638bi1.jpg I choose to tribute monsters with 5 stars or more, so I choose to say goodbye to these two cards! (Charcoal Inpachi & Blazing Inpachi) and summon Kanaria! 40638xg9.jpg I then activate another Ultima Weapon on Kanaria! (ATK: 6000) (Sora's ATK: 6000) I spare a life, so I end!"


Brandon & Constance & Ron: 16000


Crowler: 7800


Crowler then took his turn and said: "Draw! I set a monster and shift my golem to defence. I end!" Ron then took his turn and said: "My turn! Draw, I increase my Life Points by 500 because of Solemn Wishes and set a card. Turn end! It's because I spared your life!"


Brandon & Constance & Ron: 16500


Crowler: 7800


Crowler then took his turn and said: "Easy! My turn! I set a card and activate Ancient Gear Castle! I end my turn!"

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Brandon took his turn. "thanks guys for the summons. Now i remove 2 Junk Couters from Junk Castle to Special Summon Scrap Guard- Klaus. Then i'll activate Scrap Cannon (ATK: 3100). Now Knight, Eagle, Klaus Attack Crowler directly. i'll set one card and end my turn."


Brandon, Constance, & Ron: 16000

Crowler: 1300


[spoiler= Scrap Guard- Klaus]

Scrap Guard- Klaus



Machine / Effect

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card cannot be Special Summoned except by the effects of "Junk Castle". If this card attacks, Trap cards cannot be activated until after the Damage Step.

ATK/ 2500 DEF/ 2300



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