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Yu Gi Oh! Role Play: The Future Academy! Part 2 |Ended| |Lock, NAO!|

Chaotic Angel

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Brandon looked at Ron. "Yeah but im being blamed for the actions. All of the things here involve me for some reason." he then looked at Crowler. "I hope the Acient Gears are ready to go to the Scrap Heap." he activated his duel disk causing the duel to start. "i'll start this off. DRAW! i'll set one monster face down and one card face down and end my turn."


Brandon: 8000

Crowler: 8000

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Brandon took his turn. "DRAW!" i'll activate Junk Draw which allows me to draw 1 card. I'll special summon Scrap Eagle. Then i'll summon the tuner monster Scrap Serpent. Now i'll tune Egle to synchro summon Scrap Pheonix. Noe i'll equip pheonix with Scrap Cannon (ATK: 3050). Now Pheonix attack Crowlers face dow monster. i'll set one card and end my turn.




[spoiler= junk draw]

Junk Draw

spell card

Draw 1 card. If the drawn card is a "Scrap" monster, Special Summon it.




[spoiler= scrap eagle]

Scrap Eagle



Machine / Effect

Pay 1000 Life Points to Special Summon 2 "Eagle Egg Tokens" (WIND/Level 3/Machine-Type/0 ATK/0 DEF). You can tribute 1 token to Special Summon 1 Level 3 or Lower "Scrap" monster from your hand.

ATK/ 1900 DEF/ 1200




[spoiler= scrap serpent]

Scrap Serpent



Machine / Tuner

This card can only be used to Synchro Summon a Machine-Type monster. by Paying 800 Life Points, this card can be treated as a Level 3 monster until the End Phase of that turn.

ATK/ 600 DEF/ 500




[spoiler= scrap pheonix]

Scrap Pheonix



Machine / Synchro / Effect

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

If this card destroys a monster in battle, the controller of this card gains Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.

ATK/ 2450 DEF/ 2600



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Crowler was still in the kitchen and took his turn, he said: "Draw! I activate Ancient Gear Castle's effect and tribute it to summon Ancient Gear Golem! I activate Axe of Despair on it and attack your pheonix! Turn end!


Brandon: 7050


Crowler: 8000


Ron then said: "Brandon better win or I'll get Constance to poke him in the eye with her knife!"

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Ron said: "Way to go! Now kill Crowler!" But then Crowler puts on his chef costume and said: "My turn! Draw! I set a card and summon Ancient Gear Soldier! I end my phase!" Constance then wakes up and was about to go to the canteen and saw Crowler in his chef costume and laughed. She said: "This.. Is humiliating!"

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Brandon smirked. "welcome to the Scrap Heap Crowler. DRAW! i'll activate Synchro evolve. Now i'll tribute Scrap Pheonix to summon Scrap Golem. now i activate Polymerization. Now i fuse Ancient Gear Golem and Scrap Golem to Fusion summon Scrap Gear Golem! Now golem attack soldier.


Brandon: 7000

Crowler: 5300


[spoiler= synchro evolve]

Synchro Evolve

spell card

Tribute 1 Synchro monster to special summon 1 Synchro monster 1 level above the tributed monster from your extra deck.




[spoiler= Scrap Golem]

Scrap Golem



Machine / Synchro / Effect

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-tuner monsters

If this card is attacked while in defense position, inflict 800 damage to your opponents Life Points.

ATK/ 1000 DEF/ 3000




[spoiler= Scrap Gear Golem]

Scrap Gear Golem



Machine / Fusion / Effect

This card is treated as a "Scrap" monster and an "Acient Gear" monster. This card is unaffected by trap cards.

ATK/ 4000 DEF/ 3500



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OoC: Chain to attack.


IC: Crowler stops Brandon and said: "Sorry! But Negate Attack activates!" He then took his turn and said: "Draw! I set two cards and activate Ancient Gear Castle! End of turn!" Ron then said: "Damn it! This couldn't of happened in the first place!" and walks off.

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Brandon took his turn. "DRAW! I activate Scrap Reform. so i pay 500 Life Points (LP: 6500) to Special Summon a Scrap monster from my graveyard. So i summon Scrap Pheonix. now i activate the field spell Junkyard. now all Scrap monsters gain 200 ATK. now Pheonix attack soldier and Golem attack directly. i'll set one card and end my turn.


Brandon: 7800

Crowler: 3250


[spoiler= Scrap reform]

Scrap Reform

spell card

Pay 500 Life Points to Special Summon 1 'Scrap" monster from your Graveyard. If it is destroyed, remove it from play.




[spoiler= Junkyard]


field Spell

All "Scrap" monster gain 200 ATK and 400 DEF. If a "Scrap" monster is destroyed in battle, inflict 400 damage to both player's Life Points.



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Crowler then took his turn, but didn't do anything because he saw Ron gone. He said: "Stop! This duel is void! We need to find Ron!" and runs to Ron's room, but he isn't here. After that, he runs to Constance and asks her where he is, but no answer. He then said: "Brandon, Agas, where's Nick and Yuki? I know Constance is joining us, but we need to find Ron as soon as possible!"

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Crowler then said: "A cave?--" and got cut off and slahed to the roof of the academy. A hooded man appeared and said: "... This teacher is nothing other than useless.." Constance then thought: "Could this be??" and pulled the hooded man's hood, but there's nothing. Constance grew mad and ran to the cave.

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