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Santa likes to raid YCM

Cyber Altair

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Here comes some c&c:


I don't like it. It hurts my eyes. Which means that you might want to cut some slack on the brightness meter. The text is hideous, it almost looks blurry. I don't like the what look to be just random lines scrawled over the BG, the render is just... I dunno... not too good. The swirl clump in the middle is just hideous.


Cyber, I know you can do better.

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If it's what I think you meant.... welllllllllllllll...............




I'm afraid your the only one who recognized. I was d/l (still d/l) the original MGS since it's the best game I've ever played so I found a MGS very rare wallpaper pack and this was my inspiration XD


meh thought so on hardcore mgs fans would get it. oh well


but the sig looks really good altair.

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I'm afraid your the only one who recognized. I was d/l (still d/l) the original MGS since it's the best game I've ever played so I found a MGS very rare wallpaper pack and this was my inspiration XD


meh thought so on hardcore mgs fans would get it. oh well


but the sig looks really good altair.


Thanks =D


Anyway it's a shame nobody spotted it =P

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