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D.D. Synchro

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Deck = 41


Level 5+ x 2


Gorz x1

CyDra x1


Level 4 or less x 17


Krebons x3

Rose, Warrior of Revenge x3

Breaker x1

D.D. Survivor x3

Spirit Reaper x1

Cyber Valley x3

Neo-Spacian Grand Mole x1

GK Spy x2


Spells x 11


RotA x3

Dimensional Fissure x3

Allure of Darkness x1

Mystical Space typhoon x1

Brain Control x1

Mind Control x2


Trap x 11


Macro Cosmos x3

Compulsory Evacuation Device x3

Return from the Different Dimension x1

Torrential Tribute x1

Solemn Judgment x3


Extra Deck x 11


Thought Ruler Archfiend x2

Red Dragon Archfiend x2

Stardust Dragon x2

Black Rose Dragon x3

Goyo Guardian x2


Side Deck x 15


Prime Material Dragon x2

D.D. Warrior Lady x1

D.D. Assailant x2

Comrade Swordsman of Landstar x3

Heavy Storm x1

Deck Lockdown x3

Divine Wrath x3


Oh, and some friend of mine and some guy at the locals keeping pushing their suggestions into my throat that I should max Caius.



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I could see Caius' date=' yeah. Why no D.D.R.? If you send for a Synchro while fissure is on the field, you may need them later. ^^;;



D.D.R. is awful. The problem with Synchro is it eats your hand alot in order to perfom a Synchro. D.D.R. Will only lead to a dead draw. Believe me, I tried it. It was horrible.


Speaking of dead draws:

-2 Mind Control

-1 Mole


+3 Caius?



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