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Token Burn

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Oh my god this deck is awful.




2| Grinder Golem

1| Gorz, Emissary of Darkness


1| Cannon Soldier MK-2


3| Phantom Skyblaster

2| Toon Cannon Soldier

1| Dandylion

1| Treeborn Frog

1| Marshmallon

1| Shadowpriestess of Ohm




3| Stray Lambs

3| Fires of Doomsday

3| Toon Table of Contents

2| Lightning Vortex

1| Heavy Storm

1| Level Limit - Area B

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Monster Reborn

1| Scapegoat


TRAPS [11]


3| Solemn Judgment

2| Secret Barrel

2| Sinister Seeds

1| Mirror Force

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Ceasefire

1| Gravity Bind




Yeah, no reason not to run Lumina/Plaguespreader OTK over this.


I just talked about this hypothetical deck with a friend, and decided to actually try it.


Comment or not, it's a deck destined for failure.

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