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-[.The Digimon Arcadia.]-CLOSED. Please join the New Alliance.


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Welcome. This club is for all lovers of digimon. In light of the tragic death of the DA, a club I loved dearly, I believe digimon needs a new chapter on YCM.

[spoiler=Name Origins]

Arcadia was a city in greece, and the name of a Digimon.



To join, please submit this application:


Patner Digimon: (Find the picture in the posted link)


Favorite Digimon Moment:




All basic forum rules apply. Also, try not to spam, as that was what caused the death of the first DA.


[spoiler=Put your partner in your sig!]

[align=center][size=xx-small[i am a proud member of the Digimon Arcadia]
[My Partner Digimon is insertnamehere]


[spoiler=MemberDex 0-15]

1.The Leader, Arekku

Partner Digimon:Gwappamon


Favorite Digimon Moment: Masaru punching Meramon, who was clearly on fire.

Thanks for making this. I'll help in any way possible.


2. The Vice Leader, Legend Zero

Partner Digimon: Apollomon

Age: 16

Favorite Digimon Moment:

Izzy: If we had a compass, we'd know which way north was.

Tentomon: I know where North is!

Izzy: Where?

Tentomon: It's the opposite of south!


3.The Advisor, Roxas

Partner Digimon: Guilmon

Age: 15

Favorite Digimon Moment: Gallantmon Crimson Mode vs. The D-Reaper


4.Username: Sonic_zach

Patner Digimon: Magnamon

Age: 14

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Magnamon destroys Kimeramon with Magna Blast


5.Username: Dark[blaze]

Patner Digimon: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode

Age: 12

Favourite Digimon Moment: When Omegamon and Imperialdramon Fighter Mode DNA digivolve to bring forth the might founder of the Royal Knights, Imperialdramon Paladin Mode.


6.Username: GHawk

Patner Digimon: Alphamon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: I like all the moments. They are all cool to me.



Patner Digimon:Imperial Dramon Fighter Mode


Favorite Digimon Moment:idk?



Patner Digimon: Dexmon


Favorite Digimon Moment:When DexDorugoramon was destroyed by Alphamon



9.Username: .Digital.Simplicity.

Patner Digimon: Susanoomon

Age: 15

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Koichi Kimura sacrifices himself to save the others from Lucemon Chaos Mode, he gives his Spirits of Darkness to his brother Koji Minamoto. Takuya Kanbara and Koji then bring all twenty Spirits together and become Susanoomon.


10.Username: Ropp

Patner Digimon: Puppetmon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: All of Puppetmon's...


11.Username: Seth

Patner Digimon: Beelzemon Blast Mode

Age: 12

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Beelzemon first transformed into Blast Mode with Mako's toy gun. And the final fight between Beelzemon and Gallantmon.


12.Username : kalimo

Partner Digimon : Metalgarurumon

Age : 12

Favorite Digmon Memory: ?



Patner Digimon:Belphmon


Favorite Digimon Moment: when weregreymon and megagarurumon dna digivolved to Omnimon


14.Username: Burst Legacy

Patner Digimon: BanchoLeomon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: Marcus punching his dad in the face.


15.Username: Prince of Chaos

Partner Digimon: Beelzemon

Age: 14

Fave Digi Moment: Any one with Beelzemon in.



[spoiler=MemberDex 16-30]

16.Username: Overheat29

Patner Digimon: Ebonwumon

Age: N/A

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Puppetmon died.


17.Gerorge Bush: Zeroshot

Patner Digimon: Black Wargreymon

Age: 15

Favorite Digimon Moment: When the gang figured out that 'friendship' and 'love' can manipulate how life works. rofl lies.


18. Username:yugiod9979

Patner Digimon: Leppamon

Age: 19

Favorite Digimon Moment: The Intro!!


19.Username: Tai

Partner Digimon: Growlomon


Favorite Digimon Moment: When Guilamon evolves into Growlomon


20.Username: Spire

Patner Digimon: Omnimon

Age: 14

Favorite Digimon Moment: In the first movie where Omnimon kicked Diaboromon's ass.


21.Username: .Soul.Knight.

Patner Digimon: Skullgreymon

Age: 12

Favorite Digimon Moment: The entire show.


22.Username: Cloud Envy

Patner Digimon: MirageGaogamon Burst Mode

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Omnimon appeared and battled Diaboramon(Well Diaboramons).


23.Username: SushiTheLegend

Partner Digimon: Lilithmon

Age: 19

Favorite Digimon Moment: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode Appearance



Patner Digimon:Imperialdramon Paladin Mode or WarGreymon


Favorite Digimon Moment:In the digimon movie when Rapidmon and Magnamon defeat Cherubimon from the inside


25.Username: God Duelist

Patner Digimon: Phantomon

Age: 12

Favorite Digimon Moment: Don't know, haven't watched in a while =/


Age: ?

Partner Digimon: Infermon

Fav Digimon Moment: dont hav one, like all i saw.


27.Username: Alph

Patner Digimon: PawnChessmon Black


Favorite Digimon Moment: Hm. . . WhenWargreymon came, and MetalGarurumon.


28.Username: Raven

Patner Digimon: Ravemon

Age: unknown

Favorite Digimon Moment: too many to count T.T


29.Username:Jack Frost

Desired digimon:Emperor greymon


Fdm:Agumon digivolving into skullgreymon



Desired Patner Digimon:crescemo


Favorite Digimon Moment:idk...sorry




[spoiler=MemberDex 31-45]

31.username: lightdiversion

desired partner digimon: wanyamon

Age: 16

Favorite Digimon Moment: Angemon vs Devimon on file island.



Desired Patner Digimon:Falcomon~Savers Edit~


Favorite Digimon Moment:When BWGmon sacrifices himself to close the gates to the digital world


33.Username: X-31 Fighter

Desired Patner Digimon: Puttimon

Age: 14 (Turning 15 in a few months)

Favorite Digimon Moment: At the end of Digimon movie 1 when T.K. and Kari released their golden Digi-eggs


34.Username: csaman3

Desired Partner Digimon: Moonmon

Age: 13 (14 in March)

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Cherubimon was released of the virus.


35.Username: Haitaku

Desired Patner Digimon: Wanyamon

Age: 15

Favorite Digimon Moment: The very beginning when the digi-watches fall from the sky!



Desired Patner Digimon: Dorimon


Favorite Digimon Moment: When Diaboromon took over the phone lines



Patner Digimon:Dorimon

Age: 2

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Dorimon attacks!


38.Username: hioco1

Desired Patner Digimon:

Age: 12

Favorite Digimon Moment: The first movie..


39.Username: GMOTSS

Desired Partner Digimon: Devimon


Favorite Digimon Moment: Battle vs Devimon to save the Earth and the Digiworld xD it was the best



Patner Digimon:Dorimon

Age: 2

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Dorimon attacks!


41.Username: kaibarawks

Desired Patner Digimon: BlackAgumon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: idk


42.Username: Visser

Desired Patner Digimon: This guy

Age: 16

Favorite Digimon Moment: don't have one.

But i do like the 1st opening for digimon frontier



Desired Digimon:Rosemon


Favourite Digimon Moment: The final battle between Susanoomon and Lucemon


44.Username: Rahim

Desired Patner Digimon: Patamom

Age: 11

Favorite Digimon Moment : When Angemon died. I cried for ages



Desired Patner Digimon:Sunmon


Favorite Digimon Moment: Episode 21 - Home Away From Home

It's after Tai and Koromon somehow get sent back to their world after defeating Etemon. Kari seems to know who Koromon is/what Digimon are. They bond somewhat, especially when Digimon are somehow appearing in the real world and Agumon fights Ogremon. Then Agumon and Tai are being sent back to the Digi-World, Kari wants to go and they have a heartfelt sibling moment lol. It's cute, it's the first episode with Kari in it (I believe) and the end hints to her becoming the 8th digi-destines



[spoiler=MemberDex 46-60]


Desired Patner Digimon:shinegreymon


Favorite Digimon Moment:i like all moments



Desired Patner Digimon:Agumon


Favorite Digimon Moment:Not sure


48.Username: Snitch

Desired Patner Digimon: Sunmon

Age: 12

Favorite Digimon Moment: N/a.


49.Username: KillerxKid - Soon To Be Changed

Desired Partner Digimon: Calumon! He's So Cute!

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: Does Ending Credits Count? Well I Always Loved The Original Series, When The Digimon Digivolved!


50.Username: God Cyber

Desired Patner Digimon: Its a Custom sprite =P I call him FlareDraMon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: First movie


51.Username: Enrise

Desired Patner Digimon: ChaosGallantmon

Age: ? Does it matter?

Favorite Digimon Moment:

Tai: Agumon, go to the Bathroom by yourself.

Agumon: But Tai, I'm scared! It flushes really loud!



Patner Digimon: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode


Favorite Digimon Moment: Omnimon vs Diaboromon


53.Name: The_Fox

Desired Digimon Partner: Keramon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment:

Telephone operator: All circuits are busy try again later.

Tai: Oh great its busy!... Mimi! (Tai dials)

Telephone operator: All circuits are busy try again later.

Tai: Come on, how could that be busy too. (Tai dials)

Telephone operator: All circuits are still busy!

Tai: Don't tell me... (Tai dials)

Telephone operator: Did you hear me?

Tai: But...

Telephone operator: It's busy!

Tai: I'm sorry lady.

Tai: All the phones are dead!

Izzy: That digimon did it!

Tai: Not a single call can get through!

*phone rings*

Tai: Hello this is Tai.


54.Username: ¦Kylarnatias Soul¦

Desired Patner Digimon: Anyone Will Do.......

Age: 12

Favorite Digimon Moment: Probly When It Started



Desired Patner Digimon:Chronomon


Favorite Digimon Moment:The evolution from Paidramon to Imperialdramon


56.Username: Conno13

Partner Digimon : Keramon

Age: 15

Favourite digimon moment: EVERY MOMENT!!



Desired Patner Digimon:Chronomon


Favorite Digimon Moment:The Evolution from Paidramon to Imperialdramon



Desired Partner Digimon:Gigaseadramon


Favorite Digimon Moment:i like all moments


59.Name: Megafiredoom

Age: 16

Desired Digimon Partner: Firamon

Desired Starter (I got confused T_T): Candlemon

Favorite Digimon Moment: First appearance of Wargreymon


60.Username: Kypress

Desired Patner Digimon: Seraphimon, (if that has already been taken, i may choose goldramon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: the battle between the world and that blob-thing ( i dont know its name) in digimon tamers


[spoiler=MemberDex 61-80]


Digimon Starter:Sunmon

Desired Digimon Partner:Agumon



62.hey can i join



digimon partner:Susanoomon

fave momment : susanoomon first aperence


63.Username: Felgrand The Dominator (Call me FTD)

Desired Partner Digimon: Zhuqiaomon

Age: 16

Favorite Digimon Moment: First Trip to the Digital World


64.Username: Xeon

Desired Digimon Partner: ExoGrimmon

Age: 13

Favourite Digimon Moment: The First Movie.


65.Username: JoeTheCrow

Patner Digimon: Piedmon

Age: 16

Favorite Digimon Moment: Angemon vs. Devimon



Patner Digimon: Dorugremon


Favorite Digimon Moments: All Of Them



Desired Patner Digimon:Salamon


Favorite Digimon Moment:I love them all.


68.Username: Fire Haze

Partner Digimon: Waynamon

Age: 12

Favorite Moment: Whenever Rika (I think thats her name, I forgots) and Renamon are in battle.


69.Username: bwong123

Partner Digimon:Sunmon

Age: 14

Favourite Digimon moment: idk


70.Username: BH15

Partner Digimon: Lucemon

Age: 16

Favorite Digimon Moment: Many of Piedmon's moments, like his puppet show and his habit of exploding doors


71.Username: Corporal Atlas(Or just Corporal if we're doing codenames or something like that)

Patner Digimon: Budmon

Age: 14

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Season 2 ended. Worst season ever.


72.Username: Diedra

Patner Digimon: Lucemon Chaos Mode.

Age: 15

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Wizardmon died. It was so emotional.


73.Username: CrimsonWolf896

Digimon Partner: Reppamon

Age: 16

Favorite Digimon moment: When Kouichi first spirit evolves into Loewemon



Patner Digimon: Agumon

Age:7(for real)

Favorite Digimon Moment:Belphmon awakening.



Patner Digimon:Sunmon


Favorite Digimon Moment:/



Patner Digimon: Raptordramon


Favorite Digimon Moment:that one part





fav digimon moment:the attempt at turning greymon into his final form which turns out to be a huge disaster creating skull grey mon



Patner Digimon: Agumon

Age:7(for real)

Favorite Digimon Moment:Belphmon awakening

Where do you get your digimon sprites.


79.Username: Diedra

Age: 15

Digimon: Arkadimon Super Ultimate. Do we have to start as a beginner digimon? If that's the case, Arkadimon (Fresh)

Favourite digimon moment: Well, i don't remember much, but i think the moment Wizardmon died was very memorial.



Partner Digimon: Gallantmon (Gallantmon or Gallantmon Crimson Mode)


Favorite Digimon Moment:Everything



[spoiler=MemberDex 81-100]



partner digimon:metal maemon

fave digimoment:when the digidudes met waemon and he helped them get away from metal sedramon



Partner Digimon: blackwargreymon



Favorite Digimon Moment: When Blackwargreymon and Wargreymon fought each other. Thats was the most even match ever.


83.Username: Diedra

Patner Digimon: Arkadimon.

Age: 16

Favorite Digimon Moment: Don't know.



Patner Digimon: any X Digimon,but... MetalGarurumon X

Age: 14

Favorite Digimon Moment:[Digimon X-Evolution movie] when Omimon fights Wargreymon X and MetalGarurumon X


85.Username: osloky2

Patner Digimon: Beelzemon Blast Mode

Age: 14

Favorite Digimon Moment: When WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon become Omegamon for the 1st time and own Diaboramon


86.Username: Frozen.Sub-Zero

Partner Digimon: Magnamon

Age: 14

Favorite Digimon Moment: Ending of the first part of the movie, where that one digimon is dancing. (I forget it's name)


87.Username: Chaotix166

Partner Pokemon: Pukumon

Age: 14

Favorite Digimon Moment: Diaboromon v.s. Omnimon


88.username yugioh413

digimon partner imperialdramon-paladin

age 13

favorite moment is when imperialdramon be comes paladin imperialdramon


89.Username: Kyub.

Patner Digimon: MagnaAngemon.

Age: 12.

Favorite Digimon Moment: When it ended.


90.Username: Coolcolec

Partner Digimon: Alphamon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: Gallantmon Crimson Mode vs. The D-Reaper


91.Username: jacoby746

Patner Digimon: miragegoagamon burst mode

Age: 12

Favorite Digimon Moment: when ever wargreymon fights


92.Username: Hidden

Patner Digimon: Andromon

Age: 13

Favorite Digimon Moment: I don't know yet, i only watched Digimon Adventure episode 5, but i'm constantly watching.


93.the wolf


age 18

fav. moment-when angemon digivolves



Patner Digimon: Craniummon

Age: Undiclosed

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Craniummon held up the digital world for Banchou Leomon.




19 ( please some one say im not so I can shoot myself)



Partner Digimon: Gallantmon (Gallantmon or Gallantmon Crimson Mode)


Favorite Digimon Moment:Everything



[spoiler=Where To Find Sprites]

Most sprites you can hope for.



Organization 13


[spoiler=Official Game]



Created by Bamrocket of withthewill, I do not own it.








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For now Roxas.....


So ~Arreku~ what made you pick Gwappamon?


Well' date=' I liked turtles.[/b'] And I used to listen to CD's, and I found them enjoyable.


When someone put the two together, I said "Dang!" and that's how I knew which digimon to pick.

That made me laugh until I almost passed out. That I'm afriad is a very strange conquincidence.

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That looks fun I might get my brother to make a sig with it also shall i guess what his form will be ok:


Username: .Digital.Simplicity.

Patner Digimon: Imperialdramon Paladin Mode

Age: 15

Favorite Digimon Moment: When Omnimon fusion digivolved with Imperialdramon Fighter Mode to form Imperialdramon Paladin Mode.


I bet that's what he'll put.

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[align=center]Wow, all of this undying support for the club after just a few hours is great!


Everybody above will be added.


As a reminder, please mention the DA somewhwere in your sig, and don't feel nervous to join the Digimon War!


By the way, this season always reminds me of the 02 Christmas special... You should all watch it![/align]

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Glad you could join.


Sorry Roxas. All teh sites that I use don't have any Guilmon Sprite.


Any sprites of either Gallantmon's?


[align=center]Wow' date=' all of this undying support for the club after just a few hours is great!


Everybody above will be added.


As a reminder, please mention the DA somewhwere in your sig, and don't feel nervous to join the Digimon War!


By the way, this season always reminds me of the 02 Christmas special... You should all watch it![/size'][/align]


Christmas Special?

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