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Unorthodox PACMAN variant


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This idea came to me recently, and I want to see what people have to say about it. R/F please.


Monsters: 13


2xGuardian Sphinx

3xGolem Sentry

3xRoyal Keeper

3xStealth Bird


1xGrand Mole


Spells: 19



3xVenom Swamp

3xNightmare's Steelcage

2xThe Dark Door






1xB Con


Traps: 10



2xNeedle Ceiling

2xKarma Cut

2xT Roar

1xT Trib


The strategy this deck uses is simple: stall with the Spells, uses the monster's effects to screw up the opponent, and use Venom Swamp to weaken and destroy my opponent's monsters. And my monster's high defenses and flip face down abilities make them comboable with VS.

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Here's a real good question: what card has anybody ever played that would stop you from flipping? I don't remember ever encountering such a card competitively. And even so, most of your monsters would die anyway; by the next change to flip them, they would have lost 1000.


A better question is why SHOULDN'T you take out Stealth Bird. You're not running burn, he adds nothing to your deck.

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WTF? This deck is supposed to have a solid attacker like Royal Keeper because it can flip face down to lose the venom counters. If I run stuff like Caius and your other suggersions, Caius's attack will be gradually reduced, and the other monster's attacks are crap, so what happens when my opponent summons something like Breaker, blows up my VS, and attacks one of my monster? Why, they'll get killed of course. The reason I play monsters like Stealth Bird, Royal Keeper, or Golem Sentry is because they can stand up to most monsters when they get attacked(when my VS isn't on the field). Most of the stuff you suggested has low defense, so it couldn't withstand monster attacks while VS isn't on the field, so I'm not going to make those changes. Are you trying to make this deck worse?

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You do understand that the principle behind PACMAN is the generation of card advantage using the flip-based cards. All of the cards I suggested yield card advantage. The ones I suggested removing either did not (Keeper and Bird) or were too situational in doing so (needle wall, sphinx.)


Sephiroth, PACMAN is a decktype based on using the cards that can reset themselves and activate when flip summoned to generate massive card advantage by drawing with Lacooda, and killing with swarm of scarab and locust.

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