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Creator Man Superstore

creator man

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[align=center]Welcome to Creator Man Superstore!


[spoiler=Boosters] 35bidex.jpg



[spoiler=Booster form] backgrond picture, name of booster, 5 D's or yugioh for logo



[spoiler=Holoing] 2jg7521.jpg



[spoiler= holoing form] card



[spoiler=Grafix redo's][spoiler=Blueprint] okwzu8.jpg


Form:card or boosters E.T.C. and a color



[spoiler=neon] 5md85t.jpg


Form:card or booster E.T.C. and color


[spoiler=Heart Map] (2hfo269.jpg

Form:card or booster E.T.C.



[spoiler=duo Tone] 2vkzqt3.jpg


Form:card or booster E.T.C. and 2 colors



[spoiler=tint] 242in7s.jpg


Form:card or booster E.T.C. and a color



[spoiler=color sketching] r7svhe.jpg


Form: card or booster E.T.C.





[spoiler=Splices] 161147a.jpg



[spoiler=Splice form] 2 pokemon to splice together



[spoiler=inverts] 2d9us60.png



[spoiler=invert form] card



[spoiler=Recolours] 10xgfwx.jpg



[spoiler=Recolour form] (card and color to change to)



[spoiler=Custom Recolour] 30ry4w8.jpg



[spoiler=Custom Recolours form] card, how many colors, what colors and a pattern, stripes, 4 corners E.T.C.



[spoiler=Prices] Everything is 3 points!



[spoiler=assistant] kor34nboy


[spoiler=Banned] No One Yet


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Its Krazy with a K

[align=center]Boosters 2 points

Holos 2 points

Recolor 1 Point[/align]






[spoiler=Booster Form]

Which One:Pick With A X

GX [ ]

Yugioh [ ]

TCG [ ]

5Ds [ ]

The Name:

How Many Per Pack:

Your Pic:






[spoiler=Holos Form]

Your Card:






[spoiler=Recolor Form]

Your Card:

The Color:



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Creator man the reason your shop might not have a high customer range may be because the low quality in your work. What program to you use to create your work?


krazy_kid_ac3 this is just constructive criticism, but your recolors are not close to what a true recolor is. Check out tuts on how to create booster, sigs, etc. If no one in this shop is using GIMP, Photo Shop, or something of that nature I'd suggest you download one of them.


This shop can be successful but you need to polish things up a bit. I wish your shop the best of luck. Need any help or advice you know what to do (PM);)

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