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The Other DT4 Archetype Synchros

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all pretty terrible >>

and you forgot Wind Farm. At least he has a cool name.


Valky should have another effect, he's just bland and seems like a poor choice alongside SDD, TRA, RDA, whatever. Sure, DW support, but he wont last for long.

Ogre is just meh, with the entire archetype :P

Giganoto is a big dino beatstick, maybe good, but needs some time and this met'as not about time.

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Demonic Roaring Gods. Meh? Bleh? Bah? oooo? YES!? No.

Lightning God Ogre Of Mist Valley. Long ass name.

Dinersorrrrrrrrre. Giganotosaurus. Now all they need is a Tarbosaurus, Triceratops (driceratops doesnt count because it was a fkin bird), Diplocaulus, Anomalocaris, Opabinia, Megalodon, Big ass trilobite, a Saltopus, and maybe better Jurac monsterzzzzzz.


but then again, it could just be another Fillersaurus like Gaia the Earth Knight or whatever the hell that 5d's Starter deck gaia thing was. It's going down a tube just like most cards were (forced to be played in only 1 type, unable to be splashed around like Red Dragon Archfiend or Stardust Dragon. It's not going to be long until they get limited or banned because of their superior splashability.)

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