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my fire deck..!!


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this is my actual real life deck i dont enter big tournaments with it or anything(dont have many in Ireland) just play among my friends but i have a pretty good record with it..!!


now please dont comment saying this deck sucks throw it all out and stuff like that..!!


i would like comments that tell me where i could improve the deck and that..




monsters: 19

Raging Flame sprite x3

solar flare dragon x3

ufo turtle x3

ultimate baseball kid x3

volcanic slicer x3

fox fire x1

little chimera x2

thestalos x1


spells 9

heavy storm x1

mst x1

monster reborn x1

united we stand x1

level limit b x1

molten destruction x1

axe of despair x2

ookasi x1


traps 12

backfire x1

sakresutu armor x2

gravity bind x1

draining shield x1

magical cyclinder x1

trap hole x2

widespread ruin x2

negate attack x2

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Needs some Draw Power, right now, once your opponent gets out something like DaD, you lose. I would say dump most of your traps, (keep Backfire and Gravity Bind) and put in 3 Solemn Judgment's. Also, maybe add Zombie World, Card of Safe Return, and a couple other Zombie cards to create a good draw engine. Those are just my thoughts.

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this is my suggestion...


1) add some gasoline


2) light a match


3) throw the match onto the deck


now that's a fire deck!!!


i have seen you write this same comment in a different persons thread..!!


please dont spam in my thread keep your childish and stupid comments to yourself please i certainly dont want to hear them..!!


i asked for constructive and helpful comments not idiotic 1s..!!


my name is evil :

i dont really see what adding zombies to this deck would do accept change the hole theme of the deck not what im looking to do..!! but thanks for a bit of constructive commenting

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