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Meh, I get bored, and I need to improve spriting. So...


[align=center]HAI DERE! ^^


Welcome to Snitch's PokeSpriting Store, here forall your PokeSpriting needs. Whether you need Giratina's wings on a Mewtwo, Shaymin to have claws, or even a poison version of Mew, we can do it all!


~~The Rules~~

Oh no, rules! ;-;

That's what you're thinking, right? Well, we have to have rules. It's the...rule. Anyhow, just follow the YCM Shop Rules, don't Art Theft, and the most important rule...


Never piss me off.


~~The Works~~

Item taiem! Yaaaaay. xD



A common type of spriting, PokeSplices are the act of 'fusing' or 'combining' two Pokemon. Examples are below, but, for example, perhaps I wanted to give Mewtwo wings. I would find an applicable subject which has wings (i.e., Pidgeot), take the wings from Pidgeot, and place them on Mewtwo. Then, maybe, I would edit Mewtwo so it had feathers or something. Well, Splices can take you anywhere, and can either come out with awesome solutions, or crappy ones. XD






Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
P3 (Optional):
P4 (O):
P5 (O):
Points To Pay (2-5):



Recolouring (or colour swaps) is when you take the colours of one Pokemon and put them on another. Disguising is "advanced recolouring", whereas you take the colours and distuingishing features (like Arcanine's stripes, not like Pikachu's tail) and add them to the Pokemon as well. Anyhow, it normally provides good results (it's hard not to get a good recolour.)


Also, here are my Palettes (A specific colours that can be on any pokemon.)...



(Left-To-Right : Passion Party, White Bread, Brown Bread, Sacred Fire)



Recolour OR Disguise:
Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
Palette Number (if you want it):
Price To Pay (1-5):


-Lineless Sprites

Are exactly what the name says. Taking away the outline of the sprites. It may sound weird, but it leaves a nice "plushie-look" for them. It works better on some Pokemon than others though (i.e., ones with white. >.<)







Pokemon To Unline-Ify:
Price To Pay (1-3):



Me! =D


I may hire more, but don't PM me to ask or post anything in this thread. I will PM you if I want you to work here, and/or think you are good enough.


Ok, request nao. Bai. ^^[/align]

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Because your request is incredibly hard (2 big pokemon + 2 small pokemon. x_X) I decided to split it into two seperate requests. I would like 2-5 points for this, depending on how good you think it is. I don't think it's too great myself, but w/e. ^^






Anymore requests?

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I wanna test your skills, so I'll have a Poke Splice...



Pokemon 1: Natu

Pokemon 2: Steelix

P3: Granbull

P4: Lugia

P5: N/A

Colours: Your "Sacred Fire" Palette



And no splitting it up into several orders this time, I want it in 1!


PM me the finished Splice.

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