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March of the Penguin [Comment, Please!]


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Monsters: 18

Penguin Soldier x3

Abyss Soldier x3

Amphibious Bugroth MK-3 x3

Warrior of Atlantis x3

Mother Grizzly x2

Treeborn Frog x1

Sangan x1

Breaker x1

Mole x1


Spells: 16

DWD x3

Hand Destruction x3

Magical Mallet x3

Salvage x3

A Legendary Ocean x3

Terraforming x1


Traps: 6

Bottomless x3

Divine Wrath x2

Torrential x1

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-1 Card Destruction

+2 Mother Grizzly (can search Penguin Soldier' date=' Amphibious Bugroth MK-3, and Treeborn Frog)



when was treeborn at 1? I thought it was banned.


When did you read the banlist? It's at 1.


Ctrl+F Treeborn Frog, smart one.

my mistake.


WAIT, that one is old, it says call of the haunted is allowed.


BUT am I still wrong according to the one up top.

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