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genex city (DMU)-idea


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Ok after the little discussion about genex undine and a plus 1 card is nothing no to leave alone, plus it mills. my first thoughts was some type of rouge monarch deck, because of the plus 1 it can give you but not just any plus 1 its a tuning allure-able plus 1, but even in testings it didn't work well so i thought to myself what other cards would make good use of a water monster.




this is what i'm going to base the deck around.


The Monsters


ok the first question is how many of Genex Undine should i run and how many genex controller should i run? well it would be smart to see first what i would want to discard;


1. treeborn frog - rubbish in this meta, however a free tribute summon could still be very beneficial in this meta.


2. Dragon Ice - with the plus 1 from Genex Undine this card can be a helpful tool against those annoying swarms of synchro summoning. plus it forces your opponent to deal with it quickly before you use it to synchro summon. now how many to use well three would clog my hand and two would not give give you enough consistency with summoning absolute zero. im going to test with 3 because im going to play zombie carrier aswell.


so with that im going to max controller and undine.


so that makes the card count 10 so far.


ok as for the first hero its obvious that stratos is a main player here so hes going in.


next i want to make good use of treeborn in this build so some high level heros would be a nice idea in here and i relay want to make use of Evil Hero Malicious Edge because of its ability to run over stardust repeatedly, plus being search-able unlike calius it will be more reliable than the monarch.


now for the destiny hero's i want to add


1. diamond dude, with being able to set my top card with zombie carrier this guy deffo needs a place. only 2 will be required of him because i am running a few number of spells.


2. dasher, being able to special summon dead cards i draw is going to be important plus with discouraging my opponent to go removal crazy with absolute zero on the field i could even make use of his boost effect.



4, doom lord, generally useful in lot of situations where your opponent has the advantage.


5. plasma, very powerful card in most situations.


so that is 17 for monster count


im just going to add two zombie carriers and sangan to complete the line up.


so the monster line up is;


20| monsters


1| Destiny Hero - Plasma

1| Destiny Hero - Dasher

3| Dragon Ice

1| Evil Hero Malicious Edge


2| Destiny hero - Diamond Dude

1| Destiny hero - Doom Lord

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

3| Genex Undine

3| Genex Controller

2| Plaugespreader Zombie (zombie carrier)

1| Sangan

1| Treeborn Frog


right now the spells


for speed im maxing d draws and allure but only adding two rotas, next the generic input like heavy storm, monster reborn and mystical space typhoon.

and im going to add 2 book of moons in here aswell to stop synchro abuse, and finally im maxing out miracle fusion. so my my spell line up looks like this;


16| Spells


3| Allure Of Darkness

2| Book Of Moon

3| Destiny Draw

1| Heavy Storm

3| miracle fusion

1| monster reborn

1| mystical space typhoon

2| Reinforcement of the Army


the traps are to stop my opponent making big plays to finish the game.


6| Traps


1| Return From The Different Dimension

3| Solemn Judgment

2| Threatening Roar


the extra deck is their to abuse lv 4 to 8 synchro monsters


15| Extra Deck


3| Elemental Hero Absolute Zero

1| Elemental Hero Gaia

1| Hydro Genex

1| Ally of Justice Catastor

1| Armory Arm

2| Black Rose Dragon

1| Explode Wing Dragon

1| Mist Worm

1| Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

1| X-Saber Wayne

1| Stardust Dragon

1| Thought Ruler Archfiend



and heres the final list


genex city


20| monsters


1| Destiny Hero - Plasma

1| Destiny Hero - Dasher

3| Dragon Ice

1| Evil Hero Malicious Edge


2| Destiny hero - Diamond Dude

1| Destiny hero - Doom Lord

1| Elemental Hero Stratos

3| Genex Undine

3| Genex Controller

2| Plaugespreader Zombie (zombie carrier)

1| Sangan

1| Treeborn Frog


16| Spells


3| Allure Of Darkness

2| Book Of Moon

3| Destiny Draw

1| Heavy Storm

3| miracle fusion

1| monster reborn

1| mystical space typhoon

2| Reinforcement of the Army


6| Traps


1| Return From The Different Dimension

3| Solemn Judgment

2| Threatening Roar


15| Extra Deck


3| Elemental Hero Absolute Zero

1| Elemental Hero Gaia

1| Hydro Genex

1| Ally of Justice Catastor

1| Armory Arm

2| Black Rose Dragon

1| Explode Wing Dragon

1| Mist Worm

1| Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Boundary

1| X-Saber Wayne

1| Stardust Dragon

1| Thought Ruler Archfiend


use http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page its your friend

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The deck should contain the following cards:


Destiny Hero - Malicious (including D-Draws)

Elemental Hero Stratos

Treeborn Frog

Miracle Fusion

Polymerization (only use 1)

Elemental Hero Woodsman (can be used as Hero Material and can search for Poly in the Grave)

Elemental Hero Ocean (I think there should be him in it, bc you can put Zero back to the Extra Deck and re-fuse him and use him as a Fusion-Material, Hero or Water)

Future Fusion (send Malicious and Treeborn)


and Zero himself.

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