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Never Thought I'd See One of These Again

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Guest PikaPerson01

"Lord" 's not like an archetype or anything. So, the odds of a card with the word "lord" in it's name isn't too far out of the realm of possibility.


Also, lightlords

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"Lord" 's not like an archetype or anything. So' date=' the odds of a card with the word "lord" in it's name isn't too far out of the realm of possibility.


Also, light[b']lords[/b]


Which brings up the question of why they changed "lord" to "sworn". They already have cards with lord in them.


As for the card, its probably some "upgrade" which is even harder to summon than the original but has a mind blowing effect so its almost worth it but not worth making a deck out of it let alone getting the original.


Gonna be a Jump Mag card.

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I've seen the Sanctuary in the Sky-related cards referred to collectively as the "Archlords", including not only the Zera series but also the Parshath series and the Agents. They're not really much of an archetype, though, and certainly aren't a name archetype.


It's nice to see Konami digging up relatively old pseudo-themes, but until we see an effect, there's not much else to discuss.

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