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LOCK, done

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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WHL: Thats the Very thing that prevents people from seeing it


The White Hawk Leader Crushes the CDK's Arms as he Charged again, then all of a sudden, Freeman got a strange but good feeling, Which WHL Shot towards the Castle, Which freeman and his troops also saw


WHL: Ah, looks like fate is on our side, can you see the castle?

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Ryko saw Ryu wake up


Ryko: I've Been aching for a fight with Kyko's Boyfriend, Ever since i've heard of him, Give him a Weapon of his Choice Sister!


A Halberd Appears out of thin air and lands in Ryko's Hands, which Kyko walked up to Ryu


Kyko: Choose your weapon, there is a Halberd, a Claymore, a Short Sword, A Ragnarok, A Spear, a Flail, or your Axe

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Sorry it took so long for me to post my app from half breeds here it is:


Age (Optional):14

Bio (Optional):She loved wolves and when she found out she was a half-breed wolf she was delighted.She is also a tom-boy.

Half-Breed Type (Half-Dark is the only "bad" half-breed):Half wolf


Half-Breed Appearence:rpwolf.jpg

Other Info (Optional):

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OoC: you are able to see that place due to the Miracle


WHL: Over there


The White Hawk Leader Blasts the Wall, Revealing the Castle


Meanwhile, Back at the Arena


Ryko Hears the Wall Crumble


Ryko: Great, more Pests


Ryko Charges out of the Arena and Kyko Goes up to Ryu


Kyko: Ryu, Are you Okay


a Bunch of Hellbird Charge After Kyko


Kyko: Oh Crap!

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