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LOCK, done

:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Ryu leads her to a secret passage no one knew about, it lead to a beutiful fountain with crystals lining the walls, the sight was breathtaking, inside the fountain was an ancient scroll, and ontop of the fountain was a small statue of a liazard man that looked a bit like Ryu, he was slashing with twin swords and lunging foward. There were other statues lining the walls with scrolls of their own, they were a half-wolf, half-light, half-dragon, and a half-jaguar. This place was a shrine to the first Half-Breeds.

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Ryko sighs then talks again "I know a lot about Death whisper, including it's many strains, Shikinang, Psuedo-Shikinang, and Transcendance doesn't allow the body to break down at Stage 8" As Ryko Spoke to Ryu about Transcendance, Kyko Injected Ryko's blood into herself, Giving her Transcendance, Then Ryko Continues "The Shikinang strain Denotes who is the Heirarchy of Death Whisper, Rather than stage 8 and Dying, You advance to Stage 10 and Never age, while Transcendance Goes to Stage 15 and you also never age, but you also get my Powers as well" As Ryko had finished Speaking, Kyko Drank the Potion, Then Ryko Disappears in his portal, She was now advancing stages Rapidly, she went from Stage 7 to stage 8, then to Stage 9, then 10.....

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