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:.Bronze Hat.:™

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Kyko Says "Ryu, your Choice is actually my Choice as well, Are you sure?" Ryko Replies to Freeman "Your Great Grandfater helped me a lot, but it was slightly in Vain, What caused me to gain this power was when i Slain my Father, Yata-Alura, He was put in My soul, then Somehow, He Reacted, Turning my Shikinang Disease to Transcendance Shikinang"


OoC: I think i found a good ending Song for this RP, The Song is The Last Journey Home by Dragonforce

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Kyko then Says "I however will not allow myself to get dragged into a Battle With Demons, I'm going to the Half-breeds world and that is Final, but i'll still pay a Visit" In addition, Ryu felt the Piece of Paper searing his Leg, He had to Take it out of his Pocket, and he had a look, Instead of Green, Blue, and Red, The Triangle Points were Green, White, And Burgandy


OoC: Sorry if i slightly took control of your character without Permission Neathat

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Age (Optional):15

Bio (Optional): walked in to alpha city and attack everything roared and made the death whispers scared and tried to breath fire and just a puff of smoke came out. death wispers chuked and attacked. so he ran away look back and hit a pole and fell.lol

Half-Breed Type (Half-Dark is the only "bad" half-breed):kamoto dragon

Appearence:looks just like a human but has fands

Half-Breed Appearence:a stand kamoto with sharp claw and can breath fire at som moments Other Info (Optional):makes jokes about every thing. last of his kind

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OoC: Everlasting Love is just Simply a Thought of Kyko, She can have only 3 Thoughts Come to life, When Kyko killed Eternal Pain, The White Thought, Merciless Death was allowed to Enter, And After Seeing Ryu KOed, She felt a Strong Bond of Love hit her, Allowing her to send Ryko's Remorseless indstinct along with hers to Oblivion, Which allowed Everlasting Love to enter

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