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adamandlogan´s OCG Fixing


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Hello, everyone, welcome to my shop of OCG FIXING! Here, as you can tell, i fix OCG.


2 points for short effect

3 points for long effect.



small effect:


When this ard is summond it cant be sent to graveyrd with spell, this card is lvl 5.



When this card is Normal Summoned succesfuly, all effects of spell cards targeting this card is negated. The level of this card is treated as 5.


Long effect:

this card can be summoned only by specal summon by samurai wariar, if this card special summon, ´1 card on field is destroy, and this card loose 1000 atak and defencse. this card is destroy as only on battle.



This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by tributing 1 face-up "Samurai Warrior". When this card is Special Summoned succesfuly, select 1 face-up monster card on the field and destroy it. The ATK and DEF of this card is decreased by 1000 each time you use this effect. This card can only be destroyed during your opponents Battle Phase.

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I need to fix OCG:

This card cannot be normal summon or set.This card cannot be special summonn except be effect of spell cards Rose Summon 1 , Rose Summon 2 and Final Rose Summon.This card can special 1 Rose Warrior from your deck once by turn.This card can be only destroyed be effect of monster.When this card is destroyed special summon 1 Warrior-type monster from your deck.You can tribute this card to destroy all cards on the field.When this card is destroyed by this effect you can special summon 1 Warrior-type monster from your hand.

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