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Direct Attack Deck

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I am probably forgetting some kind of support for low level/ATK monsters, so help me out here.




3| Submarineroid

3| Raging Flame Sprite

3| Stealth Bird

3| Spell Striker

2| Lava Golem

1| Marshmallon

1| Card Trooper

1| Sangan




3| Inferno Reckless Summon

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| United We Stand

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Swords of Revealing Light

1| Level Limit - Area B

1| Reasoning

1| Monster Gate


TRAPS [11]


3| Solemn Judgment

3| Limit Reverse

2| Robbin' Goblin

1| Torrential Tribute

1| Mirror Force

1| Gravity Bind

1| Ceasefire




3| Stardust Dragon

2| Red Dragon Archfiend

2| Sandwich

2| Thought Ruler Archfiend

2| Black Rose Dragon

2| Goyo Guardian

2| Magical Android

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you have only 3 cards you can consistently Special Summon, so 3 Inferno Reckless Summon's aren't needed.

United we Stand is very likely to be destroyed quickly, equips are too slow for meta.

Same for Swords, will be destroyed, waste of space in deck.

Robbin Goblin helps others mill, helps LS and can help Tele-DAD, that's terrible.

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you need a draw engine,i am not a fan of dasher but it can help you swarm and use inferno reckless summon as well as able to be used with allure and D-draw.

the main part you should focus on this deck is drawing cards because this deck is slow if you plan to summon quickly.monster gate and reasoning won't be much help as you also need spell cards.

stealth bird is too slow imo so take that out for dasher or something else.

i don't get card trooper o.o

maybe replace something for mucus yolk,it can be used as allure >.>

sorry if i am nooby >.>

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I don't plan on taking the deck to SJC' date=' or Nationals, or probably Regionals. Just messing around at locals. Anything that isn't DAD or LS aren't good enough for the meta, wtf are you on about.


Also, http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Robbin'_Goblin




putting more cards in your opponent's graveyard can often times help them. that is why Robbin Goblin should be taken out.

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I don't plan on taking the deck to SJC' date=' or Nationals, or probably Regionals. Just messing around at locals. Anything that isn't DAD or LS aren't good enough for the meta, wtf are you on about.


Also, http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Robbin'_Goblin



putting more cards in your opponent's graveyard can often times help them. that is why Robbin Goblin should be taken out.

at the same time also make your opponent drop the good card they kept in their hand.

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I don't plan on taking the deck to SJC' date=' or Nationals, or probably Regionals. Just messing around at locals. Anything that isn't DAD or LS aren't good enough for the meta, wtf are you on about.


Also, http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Robbin'_Goblin



putting more cards in your opponent's graveyard can often times help them. that is why Robbin Goblin should be taken out.

at the same time also make your opponent drop the good card they kept in their hand.


i can respect that, i guess it comes down to personal preference

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Add Gear Golem The Moving Fortress. It has high enough defense to hold it's own against beatsticks, and when the coast is clear, it can hit for 800 damage.


Servant Of Catabolism is nice as well. 700 ATK directer.


If we are thinking of the same thing, add Ultimate Offering so you can flood your field with monsters that attack directly like Jinzo #7, Rainbow Flower, S.O.C, and Gear Golem. Helps boost United We Stand.

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Well, Inferno Reckless Summon can grab 'em from the Graveyard. Even if I summon 3, and they all get destroyed, I can use one of 3 Limit Reverse or Monster Reborn to summon 3 more. I find it incredibly necessary.


Mucus Yolk isn't needed, the main win condition in this deck is getting out 3 Raging Flame Sprites, the others are just in case.


Toon World is its own Deck.

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your change makes this deck illegal with 18 monsters,10 spells,and 11 traps

i would suggest you add ultimate offering since paying 500 LP to summon a monster that is soon going to do more damage to your opponent seems like a good trade.,and it also swarms the field faster for United We Stand,and increases monster count for ceasefire.

card trooper seems random to me since this deck doesn't dump a lot.

take out the stealth bird,they are too slow,they only inflict 1000 damage and take 2 turns to do another and by that time,the other monsters have already inflicted more.

maybe a cat of ill omen to get the gravity bind faster?

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