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My Knight/Dragon Deck!

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Total Cards:44


Blade Knight

The Six Samuria - Zanji

Luster Dragon

Masked Dragon X3

D.D. Survivor

Sheild Warrior

Command Knight

Destiny Hero - Dasher

Swift Gaia The Fierce Knight

Zombrya The Dark

Mysterious Guard

Armed Dragon LV3

Armed Dragon LV5

Gearfried The Iron Knight

D.D. Assailant X2

White Horned Dragon

Marauding Captain

Tyrant Dragon



Sakuretsu Armor X3

Trap Hole X3

Bottomless Trap Hole

Torrental Tribute

Draining Shield

Skull Lair

Karma Cut

Magic Cynlinder

Scrap-Iron Scarecrow



Cold Wave

Lighting Vortex X3

Monster Reborn

Axe Of Despair

Swords Of Revealing Light

Dark Core

Hammer Shot

Heavy Storm

Nobleman Of Crossout

Reinforcement Of the Army


This is my Main Deck. It focuses on destroying my opponent's monsters and then ripping them to SHREDS. Of course I have a plan B if that doesn't work. It can stall until I get all the right cards!:P

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A.D.D. deck


Blade Knight -1

Luster Dragon -1

D.D. Survivor -1

Sheild Warrior -1

Command Knight -1

Destiny Hero - Dasher (why????)

Swift Gaia The Fierce Knight -1

Zombrya The Dark -1

Mysterious Guard -1

Armed Dragon LV3 -1

Armed Dragon LV5 -1

Gearfried The Iron Knight -1

White Horned Dragon -1

Tyrant Dragon -1


Sakuretsu Armor -3

Trap Hole -3

Draining Shield -1

Skull Lair -1

Karma Cut -1

Magic Cynlinder -1


Cold Wave -1

Lighting Vortex -3

Axe Of Despair -1

Swords Of Revealing Light -1

Dark Core -1

Hammer Shot -1

Nobleman Of Crossout -1



focus on a theme!!!!

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Well' date=' I don't really care about the theme. I really like to keep my opponent guessing. Besides, if my opponent finds out the theme, they might already have a way to beat it! Thanks for your opinion though.



i'm sorry, but here your opponent doesn't have to think of a way to beat the deck, because the theme is nonexistent, the deck has no real way of winning. Tele-DaD is a "theme" and yet it is the best deck. So really, simplify and streamline the deck, right now it is terrible.


check out the toolbox deck from my Toolbox Contest thread. There is a Dragon Toolbox there. Or just go and find a good Warrior Toolbox and net-deck it. There is nothing wrong with net-decking.

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