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New pokemon splice! Pikachu and Mewtwo!

§hadow §triker

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When saving an image for the first time, such as a sprite or splice, then you need to choose the file type to be different. You need to save it as the file type as .png. This file type makes it so it keeps your image clean and unchanged, every pixel. When you save as .jpeg, the file doesn't keep the pixels the same. It blurs and messes it up.


A lot like how the other people said, it's boring and has flaws. This idea has almost been done as many times as Mew+Pikachu, or Deoxys+Mewtwo, or Venusar+Blastoise. An important part of any art is that you do something different and interesting. If you do something normal and boring, then you have to at least do something different and or better than everyone else.


The brown part between the legs should lead into the tail, which should be the same color, brown. Another big issue is the loss of your borders. To retain those black lines you most like lost when you used the paint bucket to get rid of the black background. Make sure that when you get sprites, you get them from the right source, or sometimes you even have to save the sprite and then open it onto get it to work right.


Next splice you do, keep your mind open, take your time, and make sure getting sprites and saving go right so you can properly represent your ideas.

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