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Holo Power | The best, high quality, cheap shop to buy holos | Holo sheets also sold!


Do you like my holos/gold stickers?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Do you like my holos/gold stickers?

    • Yes, totaly awesome.Quality+Quantity = great!.
    • Yes I like them.
    • They're OK.
    • No. Not so good.
    • No, totaly horrible+stupid. I hate them all.

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Wait a minute, thats not really how shops work, you can't sell permision to use them, your supposed to actually attatch the holos to the card...


The holos on this thread are the same as what people use all over, it's not your choice to give permission, half the people that use them use them propperly and have probably never heard of this store...even the stickers are sold everywere, even i do...actually it's being added, but yeah...this isn't a shop...it's a scam...

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